Home > NewsRelease > The Secret to Standing Out in a Crowded Content World
The Secret to Standing Out in a Crowded Content World
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Orlando, FL
Friday, July 12, 2024


Welcome back to another exciting episode of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs!

Terry Brock and Gina Carr here and today we’re diving into the dynamic world of the creator economy.

What’s all the buzz about?

Well, whether you’re into video, audio, blogs, or social media posts, there’s a tremendous opportunity awaiting you.

We’ve got some eye-opening insights from recent research by Eric Sheridan at Goldman Sachs, highlighting how the creator economy is set to soar to almost a half a trillion dollars by 2027!

From teenagers creating viral videos to seniors sharing their wisdom, content creation is a booming field welcoming all ages.

But it’s not just about creating content—it’s about creating valuable, engaging, and tailored content that meets the needs of your niche audience.

We’ll be sharing tools, strategies, and real-world examples of how you can monetize your content, like brand deals, affiliate links, and even multilingual courses.

Stay tuned as we reveal how you can stand out in this competitive space.

Don’t miss this power-packed episode that shows your gateway to thriving in the creator economy!

First, here’s a gift for you to better understand AI and build sales – Recommended AI tools for business growth.

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Here are some timestamps that can be useful for you:
1. **00:01:16 – Defining the Creator Economy:**
– Gina Carr explains what the creator economy is, describing it as people who create content such as blogs, videos, or podcasts and make a living through it.
2. **00:02:53 – Growth Prediction of the Creator Economy:**
– Terry Brock references an article by Eric Sheridan of Goldman Sachs predicting the creator economy could approach half a trillion dollars by 2027.
3. **00:04:35 – Importance of Quality Content:**
– Terry Brock emphasizes that simply producing content is not enough due to high competition. It’s essential to find your niche and provide solid, usable answers to problems.
4. **00:09:11 – Monetizing Content:**
– Terry Brock discusses various ways creators can monetize their content, highlighting brand direct deals as the largest source of income for creators.
5. **00:14:42 – Using AI Tools:**
– Terry Brock and Gina Carr delve into different AI tools they use, like Chat GPT, Perplexity, and Claude 3, to assist in content creation and research.
6. **00:18:58 – Importance of Community:**
– Terry Brock and Gina Carr talk about the importance of community in the Stark Raving Entrepreneurs program, emphasizing that people join for content but stay for the community.
7. **00:24:18 – Free AI Tools Resource:**
– Terry Brock and Gina Carr offer a free resource, “AI Tools for Business,” to help listeners get started with AI tools that can enhance their content creation process.

These timestamps capture the main points and actionable insights discussed in this episode.

For Your Convenience Here”s A Spanish Language Summary
En este episodio de “Stark Raving Entrepreneurs”, Terry Brock y Gina Carr, anfitriones del podcast, discuten sobre la economía de los creadores. Terry inicia explicando las amplias oportunidades que existen para quienes crean contenido en diversas formas, como videos, podcasts, blogs y más. Gina define la economía de los creadores como la forma en que las personas utilizan su conocimiento y lo comparten en diferentes plataformas para ganarse la vida.
Ambos anfitriones mencionan un artículo de Eric Sheridan de Goldman Sachs que predice que la economía de los creadores podría alcanzar los 500 mil millones de dólares para 2027. También hablan sobre cómo es más accesible que nunca empezar a crear contenido, debido a la tecnología moderna como los teléfonos inteligentes.
Terry y Gina discuten la importancia de ofrecer contenido de calidad y resolver problemas específicos de tu audiencia. Gina resalta el uso de herramientas como HeyGen para traducir contenido y ampliar el alcance a audiencias que hablan otros idiomas, compartiendo ejemplos de clientes que ya lo están haciendo.
La conversación también cubre las diferentes formas en que los creadores pueden monetizar su contenido, como a través de acuerdos con marcas, enlaces de afiliados, y cursos, destacando que los acuerdos con marcas son la mayor fuente de ingresos.
Finalmente, recomiendan utilizar herramientas de inteligencia artificial (AI) para mejorar y optimizar la creación de contenido. Además, destacan la importancia de pertenecer a una comunidad como Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, que ofrece tanto conocimiento como un sentido de comunidad y apoyo mutuo.
Para concluir, mencionan un recurso gratuito disponible en aitoolsforbiz.com, donde se pueden encontrar diversas herramientas AI recomendadas.

Also for your convenience, here’s the English transcript:

Terry Brock [00:00:00]:
There’s a tremendous opportunity for those who are creating content. What do we mean by that? People that are using video. They’re using audio maybe with a podcast. They’re using text with a blog or a post they’re putting somewhere or pictures or other ways into it. The creator economy is what it’s called, and it’s really incredibly good. And we have been doing that. We, being myself, g Terry Brock, and Gina Carr, who joins us right now as well. Gina, how are you doing today?

Gina Carr [00:00:27]:
I’m doing great and so excited to share this information with our fans.

Terry Brock [00:00:32]:
Yeah. This creator economy is really big. Tell us a little bit about it from your point of view. What is the creator economy? I remember when I heard it first, it was kinda confusing. And now that I understand it, it’s a lot better. What is it, and how do you define it, Gina?

Gina Carr [00:00:47]:
Well, I define it as people who are creating typically, they’re blogging or they’re creating videos or they’re creating podcasts or all of the above, and they’re getting their expertise out into the world, and that’s how they are making a living. So creator economy is the economy part, and we refer to them as creator entrepreneurs in our world, in our start braving entrepreneurs world, in our programs. So

Terry Brock [00:01:16]:
Exactly. And, you know, there was something that was interesting. You and I both read an article that was written by, Eric Sheridan who’s over at Goldman Sachs. Really profound about that. Let’s share that article. And, Gina, you’ll see here that it says the creator economy could approach half a $1, 000, 000, 000, 000 by 2027. This is amazing. And by the way, look at that picture they put in there.

Terry Brock [00:01:38]:
I love that picture. I’ll make it a little bit longer or larger here. See the person staring into the light that’s the circle and she’s got her smartphone? Gee, that looks a lot like what you do, Gina.

Gina Carr [00:01:49]:
Kind of. And and it does illustrate how simple it is that with just a smartphone, you can start creating some powerful videos to get your expertise out into the world and make a living doing that. And it’s, just exciting times, and it and it works. What a big part of what works also, and it gets me excited, is it’s for all ages. I mean, my nephew is 15, and he creates some videos, And he’s been doing it on and off since he was about 8, I believe. And then we have people in our program who are, I know, well into their seventies. We might even have a a couple of 80 year old pluses in there that how hard is it to turn on your phone and create a video, sharing your passion, your expertise, things that you know will help people in the world?

Terry Brock [00:02:37]:
Yeah. Exactly. And I love what they say as they go on. Let’s go back to the article in just a moment. Okay, Gina. We’re back here in the article. It says the so called creator economy has mushroomed and is expected to grow even more in the coming years according to Goldman Sachs research. I like this.

Terry Brock [00:02:53]:
And we can say the person who wrote this here is Eric Sheridan. He’s a senior equity research analyst covering the US Internet sector, and he writes in the team report. They talked about this as an ecosystem that’s really growing, expecting to double in size over the next 5 years to $480, 000, 000, 000 by 2027 from $250, 000, 000, 000 today. This is huge. And what it consists of is people that are being able to take their message and they’re able to send it out to the world in the form of content. They can do this through YouTube. They might do it through podcasting, or they can do it many other ways. We have, of course, our stark raving entrepreneurs community where people are doing that right now, and we see some huge potential with it.

Gina Carr [00:03:36]:
Well, that’s that’s right, Terry. You and I come from traditional media backgrounds. You have a significant amount of background in radio, and I do in print, newspapers and magazines. And so what we’re seeing is this evolution of money that was going into traditional media going into digital. And there’s still so much that’s evolving there, and increasingly brands, all kinds of businesses are trying to figure out how to take advantage and plug into this digital economy and the creator economy.

Terry Brock [00:04:11]:
Yeah. And 1 of the things that’s better today than ever before is it’s easier with a smartphone. If you’ve got a smartphone, particularly a more recent smartphone, you’ve got a better camera in there than they had in professional grade equipment just a few years ago. With your phone, you can do it. And that’s the key. Get started now. Don’t wait and think, okay, I gotta get better equipment. I gotta buy this much more expensive stuff than that.

Terry Brock [00:04:35]:
You can start doing it right now. Many people in our stark raving entrepreneurs community are already doing this. They’re using it and getting the message out, creating, information. But there’s something real, real important on that. And matter of fact, Jean, I wanna make sure you we get your content your ideas on this. It’s not just a matter of producing content. We do not lack for content because it’s easier than ever, but there’s also a lot of competition. And there’s a lot of competition, and some of it’s really, really good.

Terry Brock [00:05:02]:
And that means, a, there’s it seems like everybody is getting into it, and if you don’t do it right, it’s not gonna work. So what you gotta do is you gotta find out from your niche, where are they having a problem? What questions do they have? And you wanna make sure that you give some solid, usable answers that they can apply to those specific problems. That is gonna be the key. What are your thoughts on that, Gina?

Gina Carr [00:05:26]:
Well, it’s wonderful that there’s so many tools that we can use, different strategies, different ways to plug into what these problems might be. And I think it’s a big part of looking at yourself, your expertise. I I talk about the Venn diagram of looking at your expertise, how you can monetize that, who’s willing to pay you for that, as well as what are you passionate about, and what do people need to know. And so merging all those together will help you as a creator entrepreneur figure out what you should be talking about, what types of content you should be creating. And even though there is a tremendous amount of competition out there, you have your perspective on it. You have your spin, your way of looking at the world, your history, your background, things that other people don’t have, and the right people are gonna come to you and be attracted to you if you get your message out into the world.

Terry Brock [00:06:21]:
Exactly. Gina, you know that I like to talk about that, and I kinda created my own word. What you wanna do on that is you wanna put in your own voice, your own feeling, your experiences. You wanna do what I like to call you ize it. Y0U dash IZE. You ize this. In other words, put in your feeling because AI, chat GPT, doesn’t know about that great seminar you went to last June when you listened to this speaker, and she was fabulous. She said just what needed to be done.

Terry Brock [00:06:50]:
She knew her stuff. She had done her research and chat GPT doesn’t know about that that you have this feeling on it. You can put that into your YouTube channel. You can put that into your podcast. And it’s easier than ever to do it today. And frankly, I think, that’s a good thing to do. Gina, you’ve been doing that, matter of fact, with, the people that you’re working with, showing them how they can solve it and work with that. And what kind of examples have you seen from our Stark Raving Entrepreneurs community of people that are using this and putting in their own flavor into it?

Gina Carr [00:07:24]:
Well, 1 of our clients, Gary O’Sullivan, is an expert in the funeral and cemetery business, and he’s he’s a rock star in that industry. He’s very well known. And, for decades, he has created content in English. But now because of the global reach of being a in this creator economy and the AI tools that are available, such as 1 that he has used extensively recently is called HeyGen to create his content in English, but to have his AI avatar, his Spanish speaking avatar, to recreate that in Spanish. And so we’ve helped him put together a course that he and market a course to people who speak Spanish. And so it’s opened it up to a totally different audience. He also has a lot of followers and fans of his work in Brazil. So we’re gonna be helping him create a Portuguese version of this.

Gina Carr [00:08:24]:
So there’s just so many opportunities. I mean, there’s an entire world out there, and there are a lot of people that have not been exposed to this sort of content creation in all these different languages. So there’s a lot of opportunity out there to really, without speaking a certain language, to create to appeal to to entirely different audience.

Terry Brock [00:08:46]:
Yeah. Exactly. And that means also be able to make money with it. It was interesting in that article from Goldman Sachs, they talked about where people are getting their money. When I saw this, it was a little bit of a surprise for me. But I know those of you watching this, you’re watching this right now, you’re probably entrepreneur or entrepreneurial minded. You wanna think, okay, this is all nice and good, but what about paying the bills? We got bills here, we gotta pay for it. How do we monetize this? Take a look at this.

Terry Brock [00:09:11]:
K. Here is the graph they put together. Brand direct deals are the largest source of income for creators. Look at this. Over 60% there. They asked the question, what’s the highest earning revenue source for you as a creator? And look notice that brand deals were ahead of I’m looking at here on the screen there. Ad share, also starting your own brand, affiliate links, courses. Gina, you and I are doing that.

Terry Brock [00:09:33]:
We know we can make money that way. And you’ve got not applicable, no income there, tips, or other. And all of that is available out there, but there’s a lot of ways. And I think the brand deals are really interesting. That was a little bit surprising to me. Gina, what are your thoughts on that?

Gina Carr [00:09:50]:
Well, it goes back to thinking about traditional media. Businesses want to get their messages out. So in the old days, they would run ads on TV. They would run ads in newspapers and on radio and things like that. And so now those brands are saying, well, we can reach our targeted community by going to this influencer who is already creating content, who’s already right in front of our perfect audience, and we can negotiate with them to get them to share their our message with their audience. I listen to a number of podcasts and watch a lot of YouTube videos that they’re very dialed in on their target audience. And some of them some of them are not, and those don’t last very long, but a lot of them really are. And those sponsors stay with the influencer for years.

Gina Carr [00:10:39]:
So once you’ve developed that relationship and you hone in and you know that this is perfect for your audience, you’re passionate about it, you can you can reliably and with integrity market it to your audience, and it can be a win win.

Terry Brock [00:10:56]:
Yeah. Exactly. And I think having those brand deals is good. It’s something that, Jenny, you and I have both done. And for us, I remember years many years ago, I found ways that people saw what I was doing on video, and they liked it. 1 of the people that saw that happened to be 1 of the agencies working with Skype. And Skype saw that, and they said, wow, Terry. You’re doing something here that we don’t see anybody else doing.

Terry Brock [00:11:16]:
We’ve been passing your videos around the world, and wanted to know if you might be able to come over and help us out. And I said, well, you know, for the right amount of money, we’ve worked something out here. And I gotta tell you, I work with the wonderful people there at Sky. They were just incredible. Very professional and up to date on what we did. We wrote articles about how people can use Skype. At that time, it was mainly for grandma and grandpa talking to the grandkids, which was really good, but you could do it even more in business. So we started towing the ways they could use tools like Skype to reach out to people.

Terry Brock [00:11:46]:
It was a lot of fun, and I remember doing that. But 1 of my point is, there’s a lot of ways that you can monetize. Monetize through a brand is 1. You might also find other for instance, as a professional speaker. I know people have seen my videos and then said, gee, we want you to come and speak to our group over here, and we will pay you for that. This is a way that many speakers are able to do well. We’re not interested necessarily in getting as many views. It’s nice to get views, but we might only get 20, 30 views.

Terry Brock [00:12:15]:
That’s okay because those people who are watching it are people who can pay for our services. You wanna think about the same thing for what you’re doing. Gina, we’ve seen this happen in many different ways. I know you have been involved in this, also speaking professionally, as well as working with, with clients. Tell us a little bit about how you’ve been able to monetize the work that you have done in creating content.

Gina Carr [00:12:38]:
Well, through our videos, multiple videos that we are creating, some are internally focused just for our community, and some are externally focused, such as this 1 right here. We are getting our expertise out in the world, and we get a number of requests for speaking, coaching, advising, consulting, those sorts of things, and, and for helping people solve their problems. Specifically, today, we’re very much focused with on helping people grow their business using AI. So how to harness those tools, and sometimes it’s they wanna learn how so they can do it themselves, and sometimes they want us to either do it with or for them. And so we have programs at different levels to help people with that.

Terry Brock [00:13:24]:
Yeah. Exactly. And this is part of a trend that we’re seeing around the world that things are getting better and better because the technology is easy. We’ve got the Internet, and frankly, you can do it from anywhere. We’ve known that for a long time, that if you have good Internet connection, you can do the work you need to do as a content creator from anywhere. So start thinking about the expertise you have, people that have a need and how you can help them, and also the expertise that you can gain. Something that might be tangential. Just to the side of what you already know, not that difficult, not that far away, you could learn that as well through an online course or a community college course or some other way, hiring some mentors who to show you how to do it, then you can develop expertise in that area as well.

Terry Brock [00:14:07]:
There are a lot of ways that you can monetize this, and it’s pretty incredible. But 1 of the things Jean and I wanna talk about right now are tools that are out there that we can use. We’re using a lot of AI for this. Artificial intelligence tools like, of course, Chat GPT, Perplexity, and using Claude 3 right now as well. Got some really nice I particularly like Claude 3 with the Sonnet flavor on it. Really nice. Using perplexity, we can access all of that. And that gives us the ability to get the information and the research that we need, but also to help create content that we use as a first draft.

Terry Brock [00:14:42]:
Actually, 1 of the ways I’m using it right now, and I think, Gina, I was mentioning this to you, is I like to sit down and do the post that I do on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. I first write it myself. Actually, I don’t write it. I talk it in there. I put the microphone on me, talk it into Google Docs using their voice typing, which I love. It’s a fabulous little tool. And I get my rough graphed in there, putting in my thoughts, then I take that, feed it over into perplexity, focusing on the writing. They give you the ability to get the best writing tools, focus on that, and ask it to clean it up, check for spelling, check for grammar, make sure it looks nice and tidy it up, maybe put a little bit extra here on this or that.

Terry Brock [00:15:22]:
Then when it comes back with it, I run it through a 3rd editing process where I go back looking at it going, I like that. Oh, that sounds good. Oh, and another idea I just had, put that in there. So I’m getting a much better piece of content that way. And that’s, some of the tools that I’m using. Do you know what tools are you using right now? Are you hearing from our clients that we’re working with that are particularly nice today?

Gina Carr [00:15:46]:
Well, the HeyGen tool, as I mentioned and I mentioned earlier, that Gary Sullivan is using it for creating those videos in another language, But, 1 of our clients, Susan Frew, is using it for creating content and creating additional videos in English. But it’s much easier for her to create the script Yeah. And to feed it into, hey, Jen, to use her avatar for internal videos for her team. I don’t know if she’s using it for external marketing, but I know I’ve heard her talking about using it for hiring, training, recruiting her her folks, onboarding her people, and, creating all sorts of improved services for her team of home professionals.

Terry Brock [00:16:30]:
Yeah. Absolutely. She’s got a multimillion dollar business in doing that. Right? And I love the way she comes across. Don’t you?

Gina Carr [00:16:36]:
Yes. She’s she’s, wicked smart.

Terry Brock [00:16:39]:
Yeah. It’s good to see what’s out there. And so for those of you watching this, think about it. You don’t have to be a super expert to do this. If you’re a person who comes across well, you can talk with authenticity. That’s the key. Don’t come across trying to say every word correctly, and it must be sounding like this or robotic. No.

Terry Brock [00:16:56]:
You don’t want that. You wanna be authentic. Be authentic. Now watch your speech. Watch how you’re speaking. If you’re doing a lot of, you know and those, well, there’s tools that can help on that like yoodly, y0odli.ai. Yoodly, wonderful little tools. We are paying customers of that, but also with working with them on their board of advisors to make sure we help them on that.

Terry Brock [00:17:19]:
But it’s great for that. There’s so many AI tools out there. What an incredible time to be alive right now.

Gina Carr [00:17:27]:
It really is, and all these things are so exciting. I’m constantly using AI tools throughout the day for personal as well as for business use, and it just makes my life so much better. I have much more confidence in the decisions that I’m making. A lot of times, I’m making a recommendation, and then I go to AI to clarify it and to to, check it just to make sure that that I’m right. And it’s just so much better than going to a traditional Google search because it consolidates. It does the Google search, but it takes from those articles. And now sometimes it’s not right. Sometimes it gives some wrong information.

Gina Carr [00:18:06]:
But I can go back and say, hey. I think, I think that’s not quite right on that. Would you check again? And a lot of times it would come back and say, oh, you’re right. Excuse me.

Terry Brock [00:18:17]:
Yep. Matter of fact, I think I had a chance to share it, during my tantalizing tech tip on a recent, meeting for star crave star craving entrepreneurs. Got a chance to show what perplexity did when it got some things wrong as I was doing research, and then it corrected it and showed me what to do. And then we had to stay with it, but eventually it gave me a golden, wonderful output after going through a few iterations. We put that I even put that into a video that you can catch over on our, YouTube channel on there. So Gina, as we wrap it up, I wanna give people a way that they can get the solution to really get into content creation even more. Not only knowing the right tools, and not only knowing how to do this kind of thing, but also the experience that others are getting. It’s 2 things.

Terry Brock [00:18:58]:
1, it’s the knowledge that you’ll gain, but also the community. We often say that people come to Stark Raving Entrepreneurs for the content. They get all this great information, but they stick around for the community. Tell us what you’ve seen about that, Gina, and you start raving entrepreneurs.

Gina Carr [00:19:14]:
Well, we we’ve just created a wonderful community. People all come. They feel at home. We we work to make sure that everyone in the meeting has an opportunity to engage and provide their input either through the chat or through video their own spoken word. They turn on their video, and they do some talking, and or they get to talk in the breakout session. So there’s a lot of opportunities for our people to create, interact with 1 another, which creates that community. And we’re constantly working on ways ways to do that. But Yeah.

Terry Brock [00:19:48]:
I think that’s moving along. And we’re showing people how they can use matter of fact, Gina, we’re gonna share I wanna share something with you and with our audience that we went through last night when we had something real world and it showed the ability of using social media, using video to help out. And, Gina, do you think we should share this with, all the folks watching?

Gina Carr [00:20:10]:
I guess we should.

Terry Brock [00:20:11]:
Okay. Okay. Well, it’s got interesting. Here in our place, our condo here in Orlando, we have what happens to people all the time, we had things that go kablooey. I think that’s the technical term for it. They get broken. And 1 of the things happened to be a toilet seat. And so the toilet seat just wasn’t working.

Terry Brock [00:20:26]:
It just fell off. You know? And I’m thinking, oh, how did that happen? I don’t know. It just did. And so we had to order a new toilet seat, but we’re not plumbers. When you look at Gina and me, we know a lot of things. We’ve done a lot, but we’re not plumbers. We’ve had plumbers come over before. They do a great job.

Terry Brock [00:20:39]:
They’re professional to a person that we’ve had over. They’re really good. They do it right. But I thought, maybe we could just do this on our own. So we saw that, and I found the right toilet, c u help me on that, Gina. They’re on Amazon. Amazon delivered the next day, and we had this thing here, but we needed to figure out how to do it. And I was thinking, well, I don’t know.

Terry Brock [00:20:58]:
I’m gonna go get get my hammer. That’s the 1 tool I know. I grab a hammer, and I’m ready to go. Well, you need more than just a hammer, Terry. So it said something about maybe getting a screwdriver and the right kind of it. So we went and did that. And Gina, you came up with a brilliant idea that really helped us. Share us with us what happened from there.

Gina Carr [00:21:19]:
Well, I tried to read the instructions on the box, and they were not there’s some diagrams that were not very helpful. Yeah. And there were no other instructions inside the box. So I said, well, I bet YouTube can help us. And so I did a quick Google search on how to install a toilet seat. And from there, I met my new favorite, home improvement content entrepreneur. His name is Lou Manfredini. I had no idea he existed until yesterday.

Gina Carr [00:21:50]:
He’s from Chicago. He has quite a successful channel. Apparently, he’s gone through the historical media version of he used to have a TV show, and maybe he still does out of Chicago. But, now he has a successful YouTube channel, and he had a quick less than 5 minute video where he explained to us how to install the toilet seat. I plate it. You did 1 step, then I plate it, then you did another step. And it was just super easy to follow his instructions and to learn from him. So, he now has a new fan, a new subscriber.

Gina Carr [00:22:24]:
And, okay, if I just do a little screen share here to to introduce you to Luke.

Terry Brock [00:22:29]:
Go for it.

Gina Carr [00:22:30]:
Because this will give you an idea. You know, some of you may say, well, I don’t coach and I don’t do these other things. Well, this is a way, this fellow was a construction person, maybe still is, and he, was a construction apprentice. I guess I was a construction apprentice. My dad used to build homes, and I would help him. And so but I would never have thought to, do this, but his channel is called House Smarts TV, and there he is, doing the toilet seat. Again, less than 5 minutes. And just here’s a screenshot.

Gina Carr [00:23:03]:
Oh, no. That’s that’s not what I meant to show. I just wanted to show his channel right now. So we he has a new subscriber, and next time I need something for our for how to fix something in our home, in our condo, I will likely go to him. And now I haven’t quite figured out how he monetizes. I did look at his website and looked at his YouTube channel. I expected to see something of a brand or 2 or a course or a program or something. I did not, but I haven’t investigated fully.

Gina Carr [00:23:35]:
I’m sure he’s monetizing somehow because he’s creating a lot of videos.

Terry Brock [00:23:39]:
Yeah. Exactly. Well, if Lou watches this, Lou, thank you very much. You helped us a bunch, and we certainly appreciate it. And by the way, it’s working fine right now. So, we thank you, and, our little tushes thank you as well. So it’s working really well. If I don’t get too graphic here on that, I don’t know.

Terry Brock [00:23:55]:
Can you do that on YouTube? I don’t know. But anyway, we’re there’s a lot available there. And so we want you to get involved in community. We’ve got our community, Stark Braving Entrepreneurs, and we’d love to have you check that out. Gina, I know you have a special, treat for them. We got a gift here for everyone. AI tools for business that you can start using. And we’ve got a place where you can go and find out about the tools.

Terry Brock [00:24:18]:
This is free. No charge to it. You’ll be able to get that. And if you wanna find out more about what we have, Gina, how would they, get access to that? And, Gina, do you have a slide that you can share with us on that?

Gina Carr [00:24:30]:
Aitoolsforbiz.com, and you can click the QR code or just go directly to the URL, type that in, and you’ll learn about, several different tools that we use regularly and and love a lot.

Terry Brock [00:24:45]:
Yes. Indeed. Well, that’s what it is. And so for right now, as we wrap this up, we appreciate you coming by to join us. Realize that there’s a lot of opportunity in the content creator community. As a content creator, you’re creating video, you’re creating the audio, the pictures, you’re doing, text, writing, all of this stuff using your brain to help people. We’ve heard long long ago and long time people follow you with a know, like, and trust. They get that channel, that, way of getting through to you.

Terry Brock [00:25:15]:
The funnel where they, first of all, hear about you, they like you, and then they trust you. That happens now through content. So think of ways you can do it and we will be here to help you out on that as well. I’m Terry Brock and Gina Carr here joining me. Thank you very much for being with us today.

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Name: Terry Brock
Group: Achievement Systems
Dateline: Orlando, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407-363-0505
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