Friday, August 2, 2013
The Secrets of the Keys is now, officially, in development. The second film in the series of funny self-help films from producer Robin Jay is boasting tremendous star power from the realm of personal development. If you are a SUCCESSFUL professional speaker or expert, this is your opportunity to elevate yourself and your career with a single decision. Read on?

Brian Tracy
The movie will star
Brian Tracy, today?s most outstanding professional speaker, author, entrepreneur, and success expert.
Brian will portray a semi-fictional character (okay, it?s Brian playing himself, only his character will have a different name. You just can?t improve on perfection!)
Academy award nominee
Mariel Hemingway, author of the inspirational new book,
Running with Nature, which she co-authored with Bobby Williams, will also star in the film.

Mariel Hemingway
Mariel is an advocate of healthy living, good mental health, and supports many other causes dear to her heart.
Her contribution to the film will not just be purposeful, but she promises to bring a lot of laughs to her segment.
The Secret?s Law of Attraction expert
John Assaraf will bring practical application to complex thought systems, improving the very quality of our every day lives.
If you?ve ever read
Saved by the Light or
Secrets of the Light, then you know that Near-Death Experience (NDE) expert
Dannion Brinkley is the foremost expert on living a life that matters!

Dannion Brinkley
He?s crossed over three times and has documented his experiences in his treasury of books, as well as in the highest rated Lifetime Network film ever,
Saved by the Light, which starred Eric Roberts; the film was based on Dannion?s experience and book by the same name.

Don Miguel Ruiz
And, as if this weren?t enough
SELF HELP STAR POWER for everyone,
The Secrets of the Keys will feature the amazing
don Miguel Ruiz, author of
The Four Agreements, which has been sitting atop the Amazon best-seller list for many years now. Don Miguel is a heart transplant recipient who has been sharing his Toltec wisdom with readers. Now, viewers of this remarkable film will get to see and hear him in a very rare moment.

?The Keeper of the Keys?
The movie will also feature the innovative work of
Mel Carnegie, whose DeNA Revolution is changing the way people move past their challenges and come to ignite their lives from the inside out.
The search is on now for just EIGHT more experts who want to be a part of this groundbreaking new film. Producer
Robin Jay?s first effort,
The Keeper of the Keys, has already won four awards, including the
Las Vegas International Film Festival award for
Best Independent Film and
The INDIE Fest award for
Best Documentary. The movie is currently available for North American distribution through
Passion River Films and is also available for immediate download or streaming directly on all of the KEY movie and related sites. Jay is also the founder and president of the
Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau.Participating in a popular film, such as The Key Movie series, can be marketing gold for the right professional or motivational speaker. More than ever, it?s critically important for thought leaders to generate compelling
digital content. This films? experts will attain tremendous success by association as a result of appearing in this engaging platform with the personal development industry?s leaders. They will be able to share their messages with tens of thousands of viewers, instead of a few audiences each month. Participating in this film a great decision for a few, chosen, extremely successful speakers. Napoleon Hill identified ?decisiveness? as one of the top five outstanding qualities of the world?s most successful leaders. This is one of those times where making the right decision will propel 9 experts into a new dimension and distinguish them as the ultimate leaders in their field. Speakers are required to invest in the promotion of this film by pre-purchasing their inventory of DVDs.
If you are interested in claiming your spot as one of just nine experts in this new film, contact
Robin Jay immediately at robin at robinjay dot com. One spot has already been taken; don?t let this incredible opportunity pass you by.
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?The Secrets of the Keys? Self-help Film Seeks Experts appeared first on
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