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The Shabazz Center Responds to Al-Qaeda's Characterization of the Historic Connection Between Malcolm X and Obama
Corinne Innis --  Penn Fleming Public Relations Corinne Innis -- Penn Fleming Public Relations
New York, NY
Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Shabazz Center
The Shabazz Center Responds to Al-Qaeda's Characterization of the Historic Connection Between Human Rights Leader Malcolm X and President-Elect Barack Obama

As the guardians of the legacy of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) and Dr. Betty Shabazz, The Shabazz Center works towards providing the most accurate interpretation of his words and deeds. During his complex life, Malcolm X never believed in any action that supports the dislocation, destabilization, dehumanization or destruction of any people. His legacy

is grounded in the struggle for the God-given human rights for all.Malcolm X was both urbane and global, working until his untimely death to harvest change: spiritual, moral, ethical, intellectual, political, judicial, and social for the countless many he

influenced, and those many more to come.

Throughout his life, he engaged in constant critique of himself and the world, analyzing how he could alter the plight of those most oppressed, and especially those of African descent. Malcolm's words certainly did not fall deaf on the ears of President-elect Barack Obama, who has stood for broad-based inclusiveness and respectful engagement as few leaders have. And the world community should not be numb to Malcolm X' sacrifices in his struggle to advocate for opportunity and equity for all, even as some

would manipulate the intent of his ideals.We believe Malcolm X would have been very proud of President-elect Barack Obama and his accomplishments.

The Shabazz Center

The Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial, Educational and Cultural Center (The Shabazz Center) honors the lives and legacies of Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz by promoting human and civil rights through knowledge of the history and culture of the African Diaspora; education and self-empowerment; family values; and facilitates racial and religious reconciliation.


Ms. Dowoti Désir

Executive Director

The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz

Memorial, Educational and Cultural Center

3940 Broadway

New York City, N.Y. 10032


212.568.1341 (o)

212.568.2736 (f)


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Name: Corinne Innis Basabe
Title: Executive Director
Group: Penn Fleming Public Relations
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Direct Phone: (516)902-5640
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