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The Six Secrets of Innovative Leadership Revealed
Dr. Howard Rasheed -- Idea Accelerator Technologies Dr. Howard Rasheed -- Idea Accelerator Technologies
Wilmington, NC
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

BIG ideas equal BIG profits for Dr. Howard Rasheed, the Innovation Strategist. This month, Dr. Rasheed is reaping the rewards of success with the release of his book Yes You Can! Reaching Your Potential While Achieving Greatness.

Yes You Can!, co-authored along with Warren Bennis and Jim Rohn, is a message of empowerment, determination, and affirmation. You will find that this book is an extraordinarily important part of the learning process you need to continue to grow as a person and as a vital member of your business community. Dr. Rasheed shares his expertise on the power of innovative leadership and how organizations must innovate or perish.

The author (Rasheed) is the Founder of the Institute for Innovation and a professor of business management at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. He has built his career around helping organizations reinvent themselves using The Idea Acceleratorâ„¢, a group intelligence methodology and web-based software application for ideation and brainstorming.

Yes You Can! can be purchased online at Amazon.com and at www.thei4i.com .

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Howard Rasheed
Group: Institute for Innovation, Inc.
Dateline: Wilmington, NC United States
Direct Phone: 877-789-8899
Main Phone: 877-789-8899
Cell Phone: (910) 431-1233
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