Keynote speaker and comedian Jan McInnis is known for using humor and storytelling to drive home key messages on change, resilience, and business success. True stories of her experiences such as this one, straight from the wilds of Tanzania, are no exception.
"A few years ago, I was on a safari in Tanzania, riding in an open-top jeep," McInnis recalls. "We stopped for a quick bathroom break, and while our guide stepped inside, we got out to stretch our legs. That's when it happened."
A mischievous monkey swooped down from a distant treetop, leaped into the jeep, unzipped McInnis's backpack, and snatched her banana Odwalla bar—disappearing as quickly as he came.
"We were screaming, laughing, and in total shock. It happened so fast I couldn't even grab my camera!" she says. "And then it hit me—that would be a killer commercial for Odwalla. Their banana bar is so spot-on that even monkeys want in on it."
McInnis uses hilarious encounters such as this one to drive home critical business lessons. In this case: know your audience. "Comedians don't test jokes in an empty room—they stand in front of a crowd that wants to laugh. If the joke is funny, they'll know," she explains. "The same goes for your business. Put your product in front of the right people, and make sure it's so good that the ones who love that kind of thing will eat it up—literally!"
McInnis has spent over 25 years blending humor with insightful takeaways, helping organizations navigate change with laughter and a fresh perspective. Her keynote, Finding the Funny in Change, is a hit with businesses and associations nationwide. Whether it's dodging rogue monkeys or tackling workplace challenges, McInnis proves that a well-told story—and a well-placed joke—can make all the difference.
For media inquiries or to book Jan McInnis for your next event, please contact Jan's assistant Brenda: or 703-581-7604
Jan McInnis
Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies
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