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The UPstander to headline concert in Boston
Omekongo Dibinga -- Youth Speaker Omekongo Dibinga -- Youth Speaker
Washington, DC
Friday, December 2, 2011

Omekongo Dibinga
***From the Boston College Chronicle***

Boston College student performance groups and invited speakers will present a concert Dec. 2, to raise awareness about the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo and foster solidarity with the Congolese people.

"Concert for Congo," sponsored by the Arts and Social Responsibility Project, Artists Striving to End Poverty at BC (ASTEP@BC) and BC for Congo, will be held at 8 p.m. in the Robsham Theater Arts Center.

ASTEP@BC co-president Kasey Brown '12 says the event is an opportunity to "watch your favorite BC student groups perform, learn about the current conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and find out how you can help end the violence in the most dangerous place on earth to be a woman.  

"Speakers will come together with student performance groups to celebrate and be in solidarity with the people of Congo."  

Appearing will be educator, actor, poet, motivational speaker, publisher and author Omékongo Dibinga, whose Congolese parents fled their homeland because of their role in its fight for liberation. Dibinga uses the spoken word to reach across continents to foster cultural understanding and acceptance, according to organizers.

Also speaking will be Alexandra Hellmuth, a coordinator for the Enough Project, an initiative of the Center for American Progress that aims to end genocide and crimes against humanity and prevent them in the future.

BC student groups will perform African, Latin, step and hip hop dance to soul music, as well as a cappella music in various genres. Among those performing will be Presenting Africa to U (PATU), Fuego Del Corazon, FISTS (Females Incorporating Sisterhood Through Step), the Madrigal Singers, the Boston College Acoustics, Against the Current, Synergy Hip Hop Dance Company and BEATS (Black Experience in America Through Song).

Tickets for the event are $10 each; proceeds will be donated to Panzi Hospital in Bukavi, DRC, which provides treatment and care to survivors of rape. Tickets may be purchased at the Robsham Theater Box Office or by phone at ext.2-4002.  

For more details on the event, as well as information about the Democratic Republic of Congo, click here.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Omekongo Dibinga
Title: Director
Group: UPstander International
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-251-7746
Cell Phone: 202-251-7746
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