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The Unstoppable Sales Machine How to Connect, Convert and Close New Customers By Shawn Casemore
Shawn Casemore - Accelerate Sales Growth Shawn Casemore - Accelerate Sales Growth
Monday, July 18, 2022

The Unstoppable Sales Machine How to Connect, Convert and Close New Customers By Shawn Casemore

The Unstoppable Sales Machine

How to Connect, Convert and Close New Customers

By Shawn Casemore

Principal of Casemore and Co. Inc., Professional Speaker and Global Business Consultant

You're in big trouble if you rely on having "feet on the street" to generate new sales. Selling in today's economy has forever changed. Buyers today are more challenging to reach and offer less of their time to anyone in sales. It's time to rethink how we generate sales to create a sustainable model that produces consistent results.

This book addresses the shifts sales professionals, and their organizations need to make in introducing modern sales strategies. It provides insights and proven strategies for business owners, sales executives, leaders, and professionals -- anyone who desires to create a rapid and sustained increase in their sales without investing significant time or money.

In a comprehensive review of the author's work with global companies, Casemore introduces a model for "Unstoppable Selling" -- capturing the strategies and tactics of how top-performing companies have continued to sell more each year, all while increasing the predictability of their sales growth.

This book contains powerful models, tools, and resources, including the Hybrid Sales Funnel, Rocket Fuel Referral Process, and the Market Maximizer. In addition, the book demonstrates how you can quickly establish your Unstoppable Sales Machine regardless of the size or sector of your company.

Introducing your own unstoppable sales machine will not require you to hire a bunch of experts or more employees. This book accepts you where you are and then walks you through the steps to quickly introduce and launch your very own machine. You'll find all the advice, guidance, case studies, and worksheets in this one convenient book ready for you to implement. If you intend to scale your business or want more freedom from the daily rollercoaster of your current sales strategy, this is the book for you.

Selling is a noble profession and the heart and soul of every business -- Yet the continued evolution of today's customers, how they engage, select, and buy products and services, requires we rethink how we approach selling. In this book, Casemore shows you how to become an expert at sales while having the freedom and comfort of knowing that your machine will never let you down.

About the author:

Shawn is an expert in sales, driven by a passion to help business owners, executives and sales leaders accelerate their sales results. As a keynote speaker and virtual speaker, he enables companies, their leaders, and teams to accelerate their sales results. A prolific writer, Shawn frequently writes about best practices and proven strategies to generate more sales. His insights can be found online in publications such as Fast Company, Globe and Mail, and Chief Executive magazine to name a few. Shawn is the author of The Unstoppable Organization, and soon to be released "The Unstoppable Sales Machine." To learn more about Shawn and his work you can visit www.shawncasemore.com

Publication Date: July, 2022

ISBN: 978-1032180564 / Hardcover: $26.95    

For excerpts, interviews, artwork, or  questions:

Press contact information:

Shawn Casemore, Principal

Casemore and Co Inc.




Photo: Shawn Casemore, President and Founder of Casemore and Co Inc.

Photo credits: © Shawn Casemore 2022. All rights reserved.


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Name: Shawn Casemore
Title: President
Group: Casemore and Co Incorporated
Dateline: Chatsworth, ON Canada
Direct Phone: (519) 379-7697
Main Phone: (519) 379-7697
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