Wednesday, November 11, 2009
They say high risk leads to high reward. But, myths about risk are common, and risk can affect success. So, it's good to have an enlightened understanding of risk. Yet, information about risk often perpetuates the myths. Thus, debunking these common myths can strengthen decisions about acceptable risk.
Since the right resources help you avoid costly mistakes, insightful newsletter articles about risk can be useful. A potential resource featuring articles about risk is the newsletter Winning MovesĀ® News Tips and Insights offered by Ezop and Associates. These newsletter articles have addressed topics such as:
Does high risk lead to high rewards?
Is more risk needed in companies that exhibited overcaution?
What about companies with a big bet business model?
In addition to the newsletter, Phyllis Ezop, President of Ezop and Associates, is author of several Winning MovesĀ® Special Reports. Phyllis Ezop is a nationally recognized expert on the Winning Moves that drive successful business growth. She has been quoted in
The New York Times,
Investor's Business Daily,
Harvard Management Update, and various major newspapers.