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Tiger Kills Worker at Oregon Sanctuary
Dan Stockdale -- Adventures in Leadership Dan Stockdale -- Adventures in Leadership
Washington, DC
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Dan Stockdale with Tiger

For more information please contact Dan Stockdale at (865) 300-3232 or Dan@TigerGuy.com

Tiger Kills Worker at Oregon Sanctuary

A tiger has attacked and killed a worker at Wildcat Haven in Oregon. "The worker's family and the sanctuary remains in our thoughts and prayers," said Dan Stockdale, CEO of the Washington, DC based World Nature Coalition.

Initial reports indicate that a worker failed to follow prescribed safety protocols. "Those of us who work with tigers and other exotic animals assume the risk we take when we chose this profession. Just as accidents happen on the roadways when drivers fail to follow safety protocols, too, in our work, injuries may happen if protocols are not followed to the letter. This incident serves to remind each of us the importance of adhering to safe practices in our work."

"The plight of tigers both in captivity and the wild, is at a tipping point," said Stockdale. "In captivity, the U.S. government is trying to regulate them into extinction. In the wild, poaching and habitat loss are driving them into extinction. We must stop those who are harming tigers before it is too late."


The non-profit World Nature Coalition (www.TigerGuy.com) serves to educate the public on wildlife conservation issues.

Dan Stockdale is a conservationist and news contributor for ABC, CNN, Fox News, New York Times, National Geographic and many more. Dan is also the author of numerous articles and books. Dan holds a bachelors degree in psychology, a master’s degree in communication, and is an MBA candidate at Vanderbilt University. You can find out more about Dan Stockdale at www.TigerGuy.com or by calling 865.300.3232.
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Name: Dan Stockdale
Title: Founder
Group: Adventures in Leadership
Dateline: Harriman, TN United States
Direct Phone: (865) 300-3232
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