Dozens more printable
to do lists have been added to the website, and they range from simple, illustrated
checklists to detailed lists for cleaning, organizing and more.
"These lists will help keep you organized all year long at home, work or
school," said Kay Savetz, who created as part of his family of sites.
There are new lists for each
month of the year, and they include boxes with the headers "Priorities," "Goals," "Reminders" and "Notes" prefilled in each design for easy planning. The DOC versions can be edited in Microsoft Word for typing into the form.
The just-added lined, vertical
checklists print with one or two on each page with graphics such as: butterflies, kittens, cats, mushrooms, flowers and llamas.
The new numbered checklists are available with 25, 50 or 100 lines. Plus, there are now
detailed lists for chores, cleaning and cooking.
Each item at downloads instantly in PDF or DOC format.
"This site also has holiday lists, school lists and daily and
weekly lists," Savetz said. "I'll be adding even more soon"
There are more than 100 sites in the family of free
printables sites created by
Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.