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Today’s World: Families in Crisis
Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic Institute, Inc.
Golden, CO
Friday, February 5, 2016


Today's World:  Families in Crisis

"By the time my husband and I get home from work, deal with hassles over homework, drive the kids to activities, get a meal on the table, and coerce the kids into their beds, neither of us have the time or energy to drive to a parenting class. Because of this we really, really need a parenting class!"

Ken and Natalie, like scores of parents across the globe, find themselves between a hard place and a rock:  They want more tools for their parenting toolboxes, but there's simply no time.

Dr. Charles Fay of the Love and Logic Institute notes, "Under the combined burden of a slow economy, rising prices and kids facing more difficult temptations and other pressures, many families are imploding. The picture is not a pretty one for many people trying to raise families in today's high stress environment."

According to Dr. Fay, "Many parents need convenient, on-line access to parenting solutions that go beyond simplistic 'give them-a-reward' or 'take-something-away' approaches. They need skills for lowering their stress levels while helping their kids develop self-control."

To achieve the best results for their family, Fay places a high priority on parents learning to:

End arguing and manipulation.

When parents can remain calm and respond to arguing with simple phrases such as, "I love you too much to argue" or "What did I say?" their children begin to learn that arguing and manipulating does not pay.

Allow their kids to make plenty of small mistakes when the consequences are small.

Dr. Fay notes, "Many of the power-struggles parents find themselves pulled into start when they try to ensure that their kids don't make mistakes. Small mistakes, and their associated consequences, help kids develop the wisdom to avoid making larger ones later on."

Neutralize defiance.

Parents can side-step power-struggles by responding to statements like 'you can't make me' by saying, "I'm going to have to do something about this…but not now. We'll talk later."  Delaying consequences gives parents time to calm down and consider effective consequences. 

Replace anger and frustration with empathy.

"Empathy is essential to effective parenting." Fay says, "When we provide empathy before consequences our kids are forced to think about their poor decisions rather than our anger.  That's what really makes learning happen!"

The Love and Logic Institute is proud to announce the launch of their new on-line parenting course, Love and Logic Parenting On-Line.  Parents now have at home access to this award winning parenting class from the convenience of their computer, tablet or smartphone.


Media Contact:

Monica Fay




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Name: Monica
Group: Love and Logic Institute, Inc.
Dateline: Golden, CO United States
Direct Phone: 800-338-4065
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