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Top TEDx Talks for Authors
Scott Lorenz - Book Marketing Expert Scott Lorenz - Book Marketing Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Detroit, MI
Thursday, March 10, 2022


Top TEDx Talks for Book Authors

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Book Marketing

TED or TEDx Talks are an invaluable resource for everyone, including authors. Whether you’re an aspiring author, early on in your career, or have been on the New York Times Best Seller list multiple times, you can definitely learn something from them. Since there are countless TEDx Talks out there, I’ve put together this list of the top talks for authors. No matter what your goals are as an author, they’re sure to motivate, inspire, intrigue, and educate you in some way shape or form.

Ted Talks for AuthorsI’ve known Steve Harrison for 25+ years. He is a leading book marketing and book publishing expert whose company helped launch a number of bestselling books including Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Chicken Soup for the Soul. In his TEDx talk, you’ll learn a four-step method that will allow you to sell your book more effectively. All types of people, therapists, doctors, business owners, and authors reach out to him for advice on how to take their ventures to the next level.

Screenwriter Andrew Stanton and the face behind Toy Story, A Bug’s Life, Monsters, Inc, Finding Nemo, and many others shares all the essential elements needed for a great story. He explains that storytelling is a lot like joke telling because you have to know your punchline. Stanton reinforces the fact that whatever you write should connect with others emotionally. Give them a reason to care.

Regardless of the genre, creativity is key to a successful book. That’s where this quick, five-minute TED talk by Marily Oppezzo, a behavioral and learning scientist comes in. According to Oppezzo, a simple walk can be all it takes to get your creative juices flowing. It might help you out the next time you get stuck during your next brainstorm.

Mattie Bamman is a culinary writer and editor who came up with this TED talk to explain why writer’s block happens and what you can do to overcome it. She suggests that it’s the words themselves that often make writing a challenge. That’s why you should view words as objects, estimate how many you need, and create a blueprint that will help you complete the books.

Author of six bestselling books and CEO of Self Publishing School, Chandler Bolt gave a TED talk called “How To Write A Book In A Weekend: Serve Humanity By Writing A Book.” It revolves around his belief that the best way to serve humanity is to write a book. Bolt also dives into what keeps most people from getting started and how you can get your rough draft done in just one weekend.

The Bottom Line: TED’s mission is “ideas worth spreading,” and I believe these TED and TEDx Talks firmly live up to it. Check them out. You won’t be disappointed!

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.book-marketing-expert.com/  or contact Lorenz at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net

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Name: Scott Lorenz
Title: President
Group: Westwind Communications Book Marketing
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
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