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Trade Pubs Vital Resource for Business Leaders
O'Dwyer's Public Relations News O'Dwyer's Public Relations News
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Monday, July 22, 2024


Trade media outlets keep business leaders informed, promote industry growth, build brand equity and influence purchases, according to a survey conducted by New York-based agency Broadsheet Communications.

Trade media

According to Broadsheet's report, which surveyed B2B executives stationed at media and technology firms, business leaders believe that keeping up with industry goings on via trade publications is critical for maintaining a competitive edge: 87 percent of executives said they use trade media to gain industry intelligence, and 83 percent said trade publications are vital in helping them perform their jobs effectively.

Additionally, 82 percent of survey respondents said that industry publications also directly impact their own purchasing decisions.

Perhaps it's for that reason that industry leaders also believe that being featured in media that covers their trade has a material impact on sales and boosts their own bottom line, as more than two-thirds (67 percent) said that having a presence in trade media directly influences their sales and revenue growth, with an additional third of that number stating it has a “great deal” of impact on their sales. Moreover, more than half (59 percent) of business leaders think being featured in trade pubs directly influences their brand’s overall market position and identity.

Perhaps it’s for this reason that, according to the report, nearly 70 percent of business leaders said trade publications and newsletters are their primary source for industry news, and nearly 50 percent reported having at least one personal subscription to an industry publication.

Broadsheet’s “State of the Media” surveyed more than 150 B2B industry leaders, including C-level executives, managing directors and senior vice presidents. The report was conducted in May. Research was conducted by Survey Monkey.

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