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Transformational Leadership 5 Guidelines for Mentorship
Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP, RIMS-CRMP, CMC Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP, RIMS-CRMP, CMC
Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Book on Leadership Skills for Today
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Calgary, AB, Mentorship is an important process to stimulate the economic environment. When experience shares with inexperienced transformation happens. This is good. This is strategic. And this is worthwhile.

Investments into the future are what a mentorship program is about. Investing time and effort into another business, person or project is a wise use of time and money. The benefits to mentoring are far-reaching. Some of the benefits include: provisions for success based on successful instruction; solid relationship building; and insights to balance approaches.

When a mentee enters the mentorship they often exude exhilaration. They are enthusiastic and hopeful. They want answers and have many questions. This, however, needs to be carefully contained by the mentor in order to stay organized and focused. Each mentorship relationship is different but here are 5 guidelines to use as parameters for mentorship:

1) Establish two main goals or objectives that can be attained in a set period or framework.

2) Construct rules of communication, how much, when and in what mode.

3) Determine best practices for mentoring, hands-on, examples, case studies, practical applications, or theory.

4) Determine whether group, personal, teleseminars, or webinars will be used for assistance.

5) Evaluate at moment-of-need, provide feedback and resources.

Position yourself as a mentor to help the other but not to work as the mentee's assistant.

Loreen Sherman is announcing her volunteer involvement in the start of a new mentorship program in Calgary, Alberta where she is participating. Her responsibility is to mentor an immigrant new to business in Canada. The person is a Canadian citizen and the hope is to continue business in Canada. Business growth is essential for economic recovery. This is a hands-on real-work experience way to use Loreen's talents and diversified business experience.

The program is called the IEMP Immigrant Program and is sponsored by The Business Link.

Announcement: Friday, September 30, 2011 a project launch for the program will occur. This event will interact with mentees, mentors, media, dignitaries and sponsors. The event is scheduled for 4-6 pm to be held in the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre, North Building, Global Business Centre (Terrace Room, 5th Floor) 136-8th Ave SE, Calgary.

Call Loreen Sherman, a business expert and organizational leadership development mentor at 1.877.896.7292 to find out how your leaders can be transformational too.

Availability: Alberta, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone. 403.289.2292 or Toll Free 1.877.896.7292


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP
Title: Director & CEO
Group: Star Ting Incorporated
Dateline: Calgary, AB Canada
Direct Phone: 1.403.289.2292
Main Phone: 1.403.289.2292
Cell Phone: 1.587.225.2292
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