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Trapped Chilean Miners, Trial Lawyers and Juries
Jon Mitchell Jackson -  Trial Lawyer of the Year. Jon Mitchell Jackson - Trial Lawyer of the Year.
Laguna Hills, CA
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chilean miners and trial lawyer tips...
The Trapped Chilean Miners and Jurors Probably Have More in Common Than You Think…

Watch the presentation at… http://bit.ly/trial-tips-chilean-miners

This week's rescues of the 33 Chilean miners trapped more than 2,000 feet below the ground for 69 days was big news. The story was the top online news event of the year topped only by the World Cup, Wimbledon, and Barak Obama's presidential election.

And for good reason. The rescue was a huge "human events" story. It was something that each and every one of us could relate to because it involved people's lives, family, and a compelling story.

Watching this "story" play out over the networks and online got me to thinking…

When we try our personal injury and wrongful death cases, we need to make sure that EVERY time we stand before a jury and tell our story, we all need to make sure to talk about life, family, and personal losses.

We need to emphasize what's important to each and every one of us and what's important to each and every juror participating in your trial.

Sure, you need to cover the boring details relating to special damages and evidentiary foundation. At the same time, you need to focus 80% or more of your time and effort talking about the "personal" loss experienced by your client or family.

After all, when you have teenager drivers in the family and your phone rings at 2 a.m. in the morning about an accident, the last thing you think about is how much damage there was to your car or, how much will the emergency bills costs.

What you think about is how much you love your daughter and whether or not she is OK. You almost instantly think about your "relationship" with your child and you try not to allow disturbing visual pictures flash through your mind about what may have happened to her.

In injury and death cases, too many lawyers spend too much time on the unimportant and unpersuasive details of every nickel and dime spent on bills or property damage repair. The good lawyers cover these items quickly and efficiently but then focus on the harm or loss suffered. They focus on the missed birthdays and holiday dinners. They focus on missed dance recitals and school plays. They focus on missed baseball games and going to church with the family every Sunday morning.

Did you see the expressions of the wives and family members (and the miners for that matter) at the moment the miners exited the rescues tube and greeted their family? Did you see the tears and laughter?

I guarantee you that while those miners spent 69 days deep beneath the earth, the last thing they were thinking about was paying bills or going to work. I guarantee you they were thinking about their family and loved ones and how each and every one of them could have spent more time and shown more interest and affection to those they cared about.

That's what is important to most of us. Family, love, friends and health.

That's also what is important to your jury during trial. Talk to them about it. Show them your family, the lost love, the lost health and the harm your clients have experienced because of the other side's wrongful conduct.

Do this and your jury will understand and appreciate your efforts during the trial. Do this and your jury will pay attention to your case and step up and do the right thing when rendering their verdict. Do this and your jury will great you and your client out in the hallway after the trial with the same expressions and emotions that you saw on the faces of those rescued miners when they greeted their rescuers.

This honest "from the heart" approach has worked very well for us over the past 25 years and we strongly suggest that you put it to use in your next arbitration, mediation or trial.

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Thanks for your time and remember to make today your masterpiece and remind your family and friends to do the same.

Mitch Jackson, Esq.

Lisa M. Wilson, Esq.

Jackson & Wilson, Inc. (Since 1986)



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Group: Jackson & Wilson, Inc.
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