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Turning Your Everyday Photos into Videos to Document and Promote Different Experiences in Your Life
Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books
San Ramon, CA
Friday, September 20, 2024

Taking Photos of Group in a Coffee Shop
Video Clip: Click to Watch

            Here's a new way that people can turn their photos and video clips on their cell phones documenting the many events in their life into an even more permanent record.  Typically, people share their photos and video clips through posts on the social media, notably Instagram, TikTok, X, and Facebook. Then, over time they can end up with hundreds or thousands of images, while their fans and followers respond with their comments and likes.

            Now many are finding that a good way to document these experiences beyond a huge collection of multiple images from different events is to combine the images into a short video of 1-2 minutes.  These videos can feature images with highlights from one to several events during a particular time period. Or they can feature events on a particular subject. This approach can make an event more memorable, especially when the video includes music, text, and narration to make it more compelling.  And once the video is created, it can be shared widely through YouTube, the social media, and emails to fans and followers.

            That's what author and filmmaker Gini Graham Scott has done for different events where she has been an exhibitor or has made a presentation. She has also used this approach for the latest of 19 documentaries produced with her production team – Abused, about child abuse, foster care, and child trafficking, and The Age of Anxiety, Depression, and Anxiety, about the growth of those conditions. Plus she is creating a book as well as a video

            She has recently described how to do this in an article to help others turn the photos and videos of their experiences into videos, such as using a video creation platform, such as Camtasia, Canva, Adobe Premier Pro, along with short text and/or narration, and music.  The result is a video anyone can readily share with others or use in a press release about a particular project or accomplishments.

            The process involves 19 steps to create a powerful video in a few hours, described in the article on Medium at https://tinyurl.com/29cj457v and on Substack at https://gini.substack.com/p/documenting-and-promoting-different?r=3ujgz.                     .

            To illustrate the results, here's a video Scott completed with the photos she and the producers and directors took during the film shoot for Abused, about child abuse, foster care, and trafficking, You can see the video at https://youtu.be/cw1OSJFducI

            There's a trailer for the film at https://youtu.be/jz0PTWTP2ZU

            Likewise, others can easily take the images from their phone for a video or include them in a book with the images or slides from the video.

            Besides producing these latest films and videos, Scott published over 200 books and 19 feature films and documentaries on various topics. She wrote about the latest scams in a recent book Scams in the Digital Age, which has led to a documentary being produced next year.  Several other books on scams published by American Leadership Books and turned into documentaries include The Big Con, turned into "Conned: A True Story," and I Was Scammed, turned into "Con Artists Unveiled." Both films are distributed by Gravitas Ventures, and both the books and films are on Amazon Prime.

            In addition, Scott created a series of books on prison life, also on Amazon, which include Women in Prison and Women with Partners in Prison, which have led to a documentary called Love Behind Bars.  It was filmed in May in LA and Contra Costa County, California, and will be launched at the American Film Market in November in Las Vegas.

            For more information and to schedule interviews, email or call:

Karen Andrews

Executive Assistant

Changemakers Publishing and Writing

San Ramon, CA 94583

(925) 804–6333






Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D. is the author of over 50 books with major publishers and has published 200 books through her company Changemakers Publishing and Writing (http://www.changemakerspublishingandwriting.com). She writes books, proposals, and film scripts for clients, and has written and produced 18 feature films and documentaries, including Conned: A True Story and Con Artists Unveiled¸ distributed by Gravitas Ventures. (http://www.changemakersproductionsfilms.com). Her latest books include Ghost Story and How to Find and Work with a Good Ghostwriter published by Waterside Productions; The Big Con, I Was Scammed, Scams in the Digital Age, and Love and Sex in Prison, published by American Leadership Press; and Ask the AI Wizard, published by J. Michael Publishing.


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Name: Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: Director
Group: Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Dateline: San Ramon, CA United States
Direct Phone: (925) 804-6333
Cell Phone: 510-919-4030
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