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UPstander to visit Pennsylvania for Congo awareness
Omekongo Dibinga -- Youth Speaker Omekongo Dibinga -- Youth Speaker
Washington, DC
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The UPstander Omekongo Dibinga
Omekongo Dibinga will be heading to a high school and university in Altoona, Pennsylvania tomorrow to help raise awareness on the crisis in the Congo. The first stop will be a noon performance at Tyrone Area High School. Student groups at that school such as the YAN (Youth Action Network) have taken the lead on raising awareness on crises in places like the Sudan and the Congo. This year they are running a "Pennies for Panzi" Campaign to raise funds for Panzi Hospital in eastern Congo. Panzi Hospital and the Panzi Foundation work to promote basic quality health care for marginalized populations and in particular it aims to improve access to and the quality of maternal and reproductive health, promote and encourage the application of women's rights and gender equality, prevent violence against women and children and to support survivors of rape and sexual violence to rebuild their lives and those of their communities.

In the evening, Omekongo will give a performance designed to raise awareness and funds for the Congo at Penn State University, Altoona. The event is free and open to the public. It is Sponsored by Penn State Altoona student organizations B.U.S.T. (Being United for Social Transformation), Black Student Union, Student Activity Fee, and the Gay/Straight Alliance in collaboration with Tyrone Area High School and Panzi Foundation USA. 

Says Omekongo: "I am honored to make my first visit to Altoona and meet new UPstanders, working to improve lives in the Congo. I am often quoted as saying that 'We will win if we don't get in.'. Tomorrow I am going to meet a new army of soldiers for humanity who, when working together, can defeat any rebel army over time. I hope everyone in the area can come out and learn about what's taking place in the Congo and their role in what Oprah calls the 'worst place to be a woman.'" Please visit the
PSU-Altoona website for additional information.

Omekongo is He is an award-winning artist who uses his skills as a speaker, poet, and musician to inspire positive change across the globe. His work has been televised in over 150 countries. He was selected by CNN as one of 5 people out of 750,000 to receive the first ever "iReport Spirit Award" for his video commentary. For more information, please visitwww.upstanderinternational.com


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Omekongo Dibinga
Title: Director
Group: UPstander International
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-251-7746
Cell Phone: 202-251-7746
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