Abigail Adams (1744 – 1818)To all of our Fabulous Foremothers – Abigail Adams, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Dr. Alice Paul, whose life’s work paved the way for future generations of Women to step up to achieve our full equality under the Constitution – this moment is dedicated with gratitude and celebration in your honor. ????????
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815 – 1902)Nearly 10 years to the day (May 26, 2009) United 4 Equality met with Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) on behalf of women from six states (VA, NC, FL, AR, LA and MO) to propose a new ERA bill to Congress! Today, the US House will hold a hearing on our bill #HJR38! 3 Cheers & Thank YOU to All who brought us to today’s huge milestone!
Susan B. Anthony (1820 – 1906)We firmly believed then that Women must not Start All Over again to achieve Equal Rights in our Constitution! Instead, we proposed that Congress would eliminate their time limit to ratify the ERA, so the final three states needed could win this important milestone for women’s rights!
In 2009, grassroots groups in six states had attempted to ratify the federal ERA but all were defeated behind closed doors with no media attention.
Dr. Alice Paul
(E.R.A.’s author)
(1885 – 1977)Bringing their efforts to the national attention of Congress and activists across the country was a stroke of genius and the critical action needed to move the needle forward.
On March 8, 2011, then Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin introduced our new strategy for finishing the ERA to mark the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day.
Rep. Shirley Chisholm
(1924 – 2005)A year later, Senator Ben Cardin debuted our bill in the Senate marking the 40th anniversary of the Senate’s ERA passage back in 1973.
First Lady Betty Ford
(1918 – 2011)Today, at 10am, the House Judiciary Committee is holding its first hearing on our bill #HJR38! If you’d like to tune in, here is the link.