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Under President Obama, the PUBLIC Sector is Doing Fine
Jim Jenkins - Applied Technology Institute Jim Jenkins - Applied Technology Institute
Annapolis, MD
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Typical Agile Project Management Process
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Do You Know How to Satisfy the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Requirements (Circular A-11) while Applying an Agile Execution Approach?

If you answered NO,

Then you should take our

Agile Projects in the Government Environment Course

In this powerful two-day course, you'll grasp the concepts, principles, and structure of Agile development and how these are being applied in the unique federal environment.

A common misconception is that Agility means lack of order or discipline, but that's incorrect. It requires strong discipline. You must have a solid foundation of practices and procedures in order to successfully adapt Agile in the Government environment, and you must also learn to follow those practices correctly while tying them to pre-defined, rigid quality goals. This workshop gives you the foundation of knowledge and experience you need in order to be successful on your next federal project.

Define principles and highlight advantages and disadvantages of Agile development and how to map them to federal guidelines for IT procurement, development and delivery. Get firsthand experience organizing and participating in an Agile team. Put the concepts you learn to practice instantly in the classroom project. Understand and learn how to take advantage of the opportunities for Agile, while applying them within current government project process requirements.

Specifically, you will

• Consistently deliver better products that will enable your customer's success

• Reduce the risk of project failure, missed deadlines, scope overrun or exceeded budgets

• Establish, develop, empower, nurture and protect high-performing teams

• Identify and eliminate waste from processes

• Map government project language to Agile language simply and effectively

• Foster collaboration, even with teams that are distributed geographically and organizationally

• Clearly understand how EVM and Agile can be integrated

• Understand the structure of Agile processes that breed success in the federal environment

• Embrace ever-changing requirements

Who Should Attend

Because this is an immersion course and the intent is to engage in the practices every Agile team will employ, this course is recommended for all team members responsible for delivering outstanding software. That includes, but is not limited to, the following roles:

• Business Analyst

• Technical Analyst

• Project Manager

• Software Engineer/Programmer

• Development Manager

• Product Manager

• Product Analyst

• Tester

• QA Engineer

• Documentation Specialist

The Agile Boot Camp is a perfect place for cross functional "teams" to become familiar with Agile methods and learn the basics together. It's also a wonderful springboard for team building & learning. Bring your project detail to work on in class.

About the Applied Technology Institute (ATI)

Since 1984, the Applied Technology Institute (ATI) has provided leading-edge public courses and onsite technical training to DoD and NASA personnel, as well as contractors. Whether you are a busy engineer, a technical expert or a project manager, you can enhance your understanding of complex systems in a short time. You will become aware of the basic vocabulary essential to interact meaningfully with your colleagues. If you or your team is in need of more technical training, then boost your career with the knowledge needed to provide better, faster, and cheaper solutions for sophisticated DoD and NASA systems.

What You Will Learn

• Consistently deliver better products that will enable your customer's success

• Reduce the risk of project failure, missed deadlines, scope overrun or exceeded budgets

• Establish, develop, empower, nurture and protect high-performing teams

• Identify and eliminate waste from processes

• Map government project language to Agile language simply and effectively

• Foster collaboration, even with teams that are distributed geographically and organizationally

• Clearly understand how EVM and Agile can be integrated

• Understand the structure of Agile processes that breed success in the federal environment

• Embrace ever-changing requirements for your customer's competitive advantage

Why not take a short course? ATI short courses are less than a week long and are designed to help you keep your professional knowledge up-to-date. Our courses provide a practical overview of space and defense technologies which provide a strong foundation for an understanding the issues that must be confronted in the use, regulation and development of complex systems.

Dates and Locations

For the dates and locations of these short courses, please see below:

Jul 19-20, 2012 Baltimore, MD

Aug 9-10, 2012 Washington, DC

Sep 13-14, 2012 Herndon, VA

Oct 18-19, 2012 Columbia, MD


The ATI Courses Team

P.S Call today for registration at 410-956-8805 or 888-501-2100 or access our website at www.ATIcourses.com. For general questions please email us at ATI@ATIcourses.com


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P.P.S. What Happens at ATI does NOT Stay at ATI because our training helps you and your organization remain competitive in this changing world. Please feel free to call Mr. Jenkins personally to discuss your requirements and objectives. He will be glad to explain in detail what ATI can do for you, what it will cost, and what you can expect in results and future performance.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jim Jenkins
Title: President
Group: Applied Technology Institute
Dateline: Annapolis, MD United States
Direct Phone: 410-956-8805
Main Phone: 410-956-8805
Cell Phone: 410-956-8805
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