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University Team Wins National Competition and Brings Financial Ed to Canadian School Children
DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth
Calgary, AB
Monday, May 5, 2014



Calgary, AB – May 5th, 2014 – Enactus Memorial, a team comprised of business students from Memorial University in Newfoundland, has won national recognition for the social impact of their entrepreneurial projects. One project, Change Matters, involves introducing financial life skills to young school children during the past year and a half..

"Change Matters is a program to help Canadian elementary school students learn financial life skills so they can begin to develop good habits and decision making skills around money," said Stuart Wallace, Vice President of Enactus Memorial. "This is how we can break the cycle of financial illiteracy in our youth. We used a values-based book series called the Zela Wela Kidsthat was researched and developed specifically for young children. The stories and hands-on activities help the students learn these essential life skills in a fun, meaningful and effective way. The pre and post - tests included in the seven session program allowed us to see the students improve their knowledge 30% on key topics such as saving, needs versus wants and entrepreneurial concepts."

The student team brought their program to over 1,900 students grades two to four in six different provinces and the results were very positive. "The teachers were excited about the program and told other teachers, so the program is growing quickly. Now we have a teacher manual as a framework for the seven sessions and it has been very well received. The elementary students loved how the sessions were fun and interactive, they were learning about finances without even knowing it. They enjoyed learning about earning money and how they could help others by giving to good causes."

This has interested the Boys and Girls Club of Canada and Enactus Memorial is piloting sessions with the group this summer..

The Enactus team will continue expanding the program nationally, and would be happy to provide anyone more information about providing it in their school. Enactus Memorial will represent Canada at the Enactus World Cup in Beijing, China in October 2014..

About Enactus Memorial

Enactus Memorial is a student-run volunteer organization operating out of Memorial University of Newfoundland. This award-winning organization is comprised of 82 volunteers representing all undergraduate faculties at Memorial University. Formerly known as SIFE Memorial, our parent organization recently underwent a name change and we are proud to transition to our new name, Enactus, in 2012. Our mission statement: "To create local solutions to global economic challenges" in developing outreach projects within both the university and community. From helping our brave Canadian veterans start businesses, to showing kids in Boys and Girls Clubs across Canada how to Be Green, our projects reach a diverse number of audiences across our country. Our 13 projects reach individuals of all ages, and address needs of financial literacy, entrepreneurship, social responsibility and environmental sustainability. With projects running on local, provincial, national and international levels, Enactus Memorial is recognized as creating a sustainable impact around the world.



Stuart Wallace

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