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Updated Info from: Sree Sreenivasan -- Digimentors Events
Sree Sreenivasan --  Digimentors Events Sree Sreenivasan -- Digimentors Events
New York, NY
Saturday, May 9, 2020

These are some updated materials we are sharing with folks.
Digimentors Events: From conferences to book launches to hosting your own talk show. If your team can imagine it, we can execute it - nationwide, worldwide 
Virtual Events Production http://bit.ly/digimentorsprodn (includes testimonials)
Five Tips on Remote Events: http://bit.ly/digimentors5tips 
We have launched multiple talk shows, webinars, etc, for multiple organizations, universities and individuals. [modeled on Sree's Daily Global Covid19 Show: http://bit.ly/sreecall2 ]
We are putting on a conference for 50K teachers from around the world at the end of May. 
We ran a three-day conference for Princeton online last week. They were planning to cancel/postpone, but we worked with them to put on a bigger, better conference instead. 
We are working with a nonprofit membership association to take their July conference online - while still delivering the revenue they need to bring in during this financial year itself. 
An example of an event we put together with little notice is this: 
#SaluteToStratford LIVE - a web-based celebration of Shakespeare's 456th birthday by saluting his hometown. 
Live on FB, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter 
12 speakers from the biggest organizations in town, including the Mayor shared their thoughts, insights and inspiration. 
From idea to execution, it was just 70 hours. My team did all the production and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust provided the speakers and the programming ideas. 
Sree Sreenivasan
Marshall R. Loeb Visiting Professor of Digital Innovation
Stony Brook University School of Journalism
MY DAILY GLOBAL COVID19 SHOW: http://bit.ly/sreecovid19call
SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/sreenet
Digital & social consultant
Former Chief Digital Officer,
City of New York; Columbia University; Metropolitan Museum of Art
INSTAGRAM: @sreenet http://instagram.com/sreenet 
JOIN MY CLOSED GROUP, Sree's Advanced Social Media
+1-646-391-3526 cell & WhatsApp
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Sree Sreenivasan
Group: Digimentors
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Main Phone: 1-646-391-3526
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