Home > NewsRelease > Upgrade Your Negotiations With An Emotional Impact Map !
Upgrade Your Negotiations With An Emotional Impact Map !
Andreas Buergi, PhD Andreas Buergi, PhD
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nuolen,
Wednesday, March 31, 2021


The most successful movies tend to take theiraudience on an emotional journey.

The technique film-makers use to design thisroller-coaster ride is usually called an Emotional Impact Map (EIM).

In essence, this technique involves thedevelopment of a precise suspense curve for the movie’s storyline, charting thedesired level of emotional engagement of the viewers for each and every momentof the film.

Well-crafted EIMs allow the movie-makers to catchand elegantly direct the attention of the audience, whilst providing a simpleprocess for viewers to connect the dots and follow the plot intuitively.

In recent years we have experienced verysuccessful results when using this EIM approach in preparing for complex salesand business negotiations.

The effects of well-designed suspense curveshave included a substantial increase in the level of engagement and commitment ofthe parties involved, as well as significantly better, more sustainable deals.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Andreas Buergi, PhD
Group: Living Water Institute Ltd.
Dateline: Nuolen, Switzerland
Direct Phone: +41 55 440 85 58
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