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Vedic Astrologers Predict Akshaya Tritiya, May 13th, Will Bring Wealth, Power and Success
AstroVed Pvt Ltd AstroVed Pvt Ltd
Oakmont, PA
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 13th, WorldWide Day of Wealth, Prosperity
Celebrations and Ceremonies Ring in Golden Year For Akshaya Tritiya, WorldWide Festival Day of Wealth: May 13th

Pittsburgh, PA, May 8, 2013. With US economic numbers showing signs of stagnating despite a May uptick in employment, an opportunity to increase wealth and success with certainty is a welcome one. Astrologers at AstroVed.com predict just such an opportunity: they say that anyone may increase their wealth on Akshaya Tritiya, May 13th, a Festival Day celebrated worldwide as favorable for prosperity. Askhaya means unending or eternal and Tritiya means Wealth.

To enhance the power of the day, AstroVed.com has scheduled special ceremonies said to help promote prosperity.

"Everyone wants their money to grow; nobody wants to take a loss. It is quite human that everyone wants things to be on the increase forever and that applies to stock market and other forms of investment… This is a fantastic consciousness to disallow loss and then only focus only on growth That energy is called Akshaya which is never decreasing, never declining." ~ Dr. Baskaran Pillai

AstroVed.com, founded by Dr. Pillai, provides immediate personalized answers to member's questions, based on the principles of Vedic Astrology. AstroVed provides timely, effective answers and solutions to members in the areas of ?nance, relationship, career, spirituality, health, business, children/family, and travel.

[AstroVed YouTube Channel]

Sekhmet Desmarais

Director, Business Development

AstroVed Pvt Ltd

Oakmont, PA


AstroVed.com, founded by Dr. Pillai, provides immediate personalized answers to member's questions, based on the principles of Vedic Astrology. AstroVed provides timely, effective answers and solutions to members in the areas of ?nance, relationship, career, spirituality, health, business, children/family, and travel.
[AstroVed YouTube Channel]

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