Pin-Ups For Vets Founder Documents Her Respect For Veterans on YouTube
Although the month of May has been designated by Congress as National Military Appreciation Month, Pin-Up-In-Chief Gina Elise, honors Veterans 365 days a year, through her award-winning nonprofit organization, Pin-Ups For Vets. "I am probably one of Mapquest's most frequent users, as I try to find my way from one Veterans Hospital to the next, during my 50-state VA Hospital Tour," says Elise who is on a mission to visit, deliver gifts, and thank hospitalized Veterans all across America.
Gina Elise, is always looking for unique ways to remind her supporters to show appreciation to ill and injured Veterans and deployed service members. From her posts on You Tube, Facebook, and Twitter, she makes sure to set an example for others to follow, as she encourages her supporters to do whatever they can to help boost morale in the VA and military hospitals and in the combat zones.
"The month of May is a perfect time to honor our Nation's Heroes," says Elise. "From Public Service Recognition Week to Armed Forces Day to Memorial Day, the month is filled with days to show our appreciation for the dedicated service given to our Country by our active duty service members and our Veterans," adds Elise who founded her nonprofit organization, Pin-Ups For Vet, to pay honor to her Grandfather's four-year Army service during World War II.
Gina Elise has found a unique way to pay tribute to the current and former members of the armed forces, including those who have died in the pursuit of freedom and peace. She posts videos on her website's Press Room Page ( ) of her trips to VA Hospitals that have been covered by local news stations such as Fox News, with the hope that others will be encouraged to volunteer at their local VA Hospitals.
During this month of May, to celebrate the service and sacrifice of our Troops and Veterans, Elise has re-posted her You Tube video where she uses American Sign Language to sign the words to Lee Greenwood's popular song, "Proud To Be An American" ( ). Elise says, "When people see me sign this song on the You Tube video, I hope that the song's lyrics will remind them to never forget those who gave us our freedom and rights. Military Appreciation Month is a great time to express our gratitude to our Nation's Heroes."