There is now a video and a poem about Trump: Donald Trump, You're a Joke! that expresses what many people are feeling – that Trump has become a figure of ridicule as well as a President who is threatening disaster. In just a few days, the video and poem have had over 5000 views on Facebook, on Twitter, and Huffington Post, and has so far received dozens of "likes."
Written by an uncredited commentator, the video which illustrates the poem highlights the major concerns people have about the Trump administration. Among other things, the video comments on Trump playing golf while America goes broke, and comments on his threats of war, comments on women, repeated lies about everything, and concern with fame and making money while in the white house. Also, the video features images that show Trump is an angry, incompetent narcissist and sociopath, who is really nuts, who is fueled by his desire to be liked and his craving for attention, and is eager to exact revenge from anyone he considers against him, including Obama, the media, Muslims, Mexicans, and the Freedom Caucus. So these are really scary times, reflected in the ironic humor of the video.
There's a link to the video at, and here's a copy of the poem. The uncredited author has created the video in the hopes it can contribute to the resistance against Trump, which has been gaining steam with calls for his impeachment, resignation, or removal from office, on the grounds he is incompetent, mentally disturbed, or woefully unprepared to carry out the responsibilities of the presidency.
Donald Trump, you're a joke.
You watch America go broke.
As you play your golf at Mar-a-Lago.
You warn countries of war,
While you smoke big cigars,
And sign bills you haven't read and say "No go!"
Donald Trump, you're so fat,
But you put down women like rats,
'Cause you lack class and treat others like trash.
You think it's fine to lie,
Order to troops to fight and die.
All that matters is getting your fame and your cash.
Yes, Donald you're a mess,
And you've got to confess,
You're taking the U.S. for a ride.
It's an expense we can't afford.
But you'll soon get your award.
A big impeachment ball or a jail cell once you're tried.
So Donald, this ode is for you.
'Since you're so great at all you do.
You give the comics and the media a great field day.
Yes, what you do is so GREAT!
That you inspire such great hate,
But your walls will soon block your way.
So Donald, before it's too late,
For the U.S. and the world's fate,
It's time to say so long and go.
You blew your chance to do good,
By doing well while you still could.
So time to end the "Trump Is President" show.
You can say you won.
You got your fame and fun.
Convinced millions you were great,
Though the most unqualified POTUS ever.
Some think you are nuts.
Not just a pain in the butt.
But you served your time
On the nation's dime
Too bad ratings tanked
Like a drowning bank.
So it's time to go forever.
Consider Russia the place to go.
You could face treason based on what you know.
Plus more and more people think you're a con.
You rigged the election like a Mafia don.
But now the fraud's coming to an end.
Your former fans are no longer friends.
So let the curtains go down.
Just make your hasty exit.
Or you'll be going anyway,
Just like the vote for healthcare and Brexit.
This video is dedicated to the resistance.
So resist, resist, and resist!
And may this contribute to the cause.
Created by:
A Concerned Citizen
Written by:
A. Pissed Off Voter
Produced by:
A Truth Seeker
Funding from:
Truth in Government
And The No More Lies
Inspired by:
The idiots and assholes
now running or ruining
the government…
or running from it.
And thanks to the many photographers
and graphic designers whose photos
and illustrations inspired the resistance.
Nancy Parker
Administrative Assistant
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
925) 385-0608