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War On Free Speech and Free Press = In-Kind Political Contributions
Brian Davis -- Concerned and Patriotic Senior American Brian Davis -- Concerned and Patriotic Senior American
Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

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Censorship of the Reporting of News and of the Opinions of Moderates
and Conservatives Threatens our Election Process


Twitter's CEO recently admitted in testimony to the U.S. Senate that his company closed the New York Post Twitter account in response to a news coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop and email Biden Family Corruption Scandal.  CEO Dorsey claimed that the action of censorship and failure to retract the action for over a week was not political! 
Ignoring the intensifying uproar, Twitter's initiating and continuing the censorship by closing the NYP account on a "neutral public forum" was obviously blatantly political, and served as an In-kind Illegal Political Campaign Contribution to the Biden Campaign.
The Republican National Committee has filed a Complaint with the Federal Election Commission on this abuse. (More below.)
Has Big Tech or the Mainstream Media undertaken such inappropriate closure or censorship of the account of a leftist, democrat or liberal media outlet, the majority of all media outlets, and refused to relent for about 2 weeks, just
before an election?
Facebook also apparently took steps to Censor the New York Post stories on the Biden Family Corruption Scandal.
The Free flow of information and ideas is critical to an informed public, particularly in the context of an Election.  Preventing that free flow of
Information is NOT what Public Communication Platforms and true "Journalists" can legally do in America!
So, Biden Family Corruption Scandal reporting and opinion is being IGNORED, PREVENTED or CENSORED by Big Tech (benefitting from unwarranted Antitrust exemptions) and Mainstream Media denying Free Press and Free Speech Constitutional Rights. 
Congress should Act to Repeal Legal Protections for tech giants under Section 230 of the 1996 federal Communications Decency Act.
U.S. Senator for Texas, Ted Cruz

"Sen. Cruz to Big Tech CEOs: Who Elected You to Decide What the Media Can Report and What the American People Can Hear?

Demands answers from Big Tech CEOs on brazen political bias and election interference

October 28, 2020"

"HOUSTON, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Commerce Committee, today questioned Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who had been called on to testify regarding Big Tech's recent political censorship and attempts to interfere in the 2020 election, along with possible reforms to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Watch Sen. Cruz's full exchange with Jack Dorsey during his round of questioning here. Excerpts are included below."

"In response to Jack Dorsey saying Twitter does not have the power to influence elections, Sen. Cruz said:

"So you're testifying to this committee right now that Twitter, when it silences people, when it censors people, when it blocks political speech, that has no impact on elections?"

"Mr. Dorsey, I find your opening answers absurd on their face. Let's talk about the last two weeks in particular. As you know, I have long been concerned about Twitter's pattern of censoring and silencing individual Americans with whom Twitter disagrees. But two weeks ago, Twitter, and to a lesser extent, Facebook, crossed a threshold that is fundamental in our country. Two weeks ago, Twitter made the unilateral decision to censor the New York Post in a series of two blockbuster articles, both alleging evidence of corruption against. Joe Biden The first concerning Ukraine, the second concerning communist China.""

"People need to clearly understand that this type of censorship will not stop if we allow the radical left wing of the Democratic party along with the Big Tech, and the billionaires who own and run these companies to prevail. We will become like Spain under Franco, and Germany under Hitler. Free and balanced speech is mandatory for freedom to continue. The so called "Woke Culture", BLM, and Antifa are nothing more than a censorship arm of the radical left, much like the Brown shirts under Hitler who used censorship, intimidation, vandalism, and finally outright murder to control the population. People need to wake up and get educated." WBH, November 1, 2020
"RNC files FEC complaint against Twitter, alleging 'in-kind contributions to Biden' By Dominick Mastrangelo, The Hill, - 10/16/20 02:10 PM EDT"
"The Republican National Committee (RNC) has filed a federal elections complaint against Twitter, accusing the social media company of making what it describes as "in-kind contributions" to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign. 

In a four-page complaint filed Friday, according to Fox News, the RNC accuses Twitter of "using its corporate resources to provide active support for Joe Biden's campaign in violation of federal law." 

The committee cited Twitter's decision to block users from posting or sending a link to a New York Post story alleging corruption by the former vice president's son, Hunter Biden, and detailing what critics have said is his illegal overseas business dealings."

 More at:



"Hawley Calls for FEC Investigation of Potential In-Kind Contributions from Twitter and Facebook to Biden Campaign

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wrote a letter to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) General Counsel expressing serious concerns about the possibility of campaign finance violations benefitting the Biden campaign in Twitter and Facebook's suppression of the New York Post's reporting on Hunter Biden. Senator Hawley writes that, as the Biden campaign derives value from the suppression of the story, the companies may have therefore made in-kind contributions to the campaign.

Senator Hawley writes, "These possible campaign-finance violations by two of the most powerful corporations in America comes only weeks before Election Day, and while millions of Americans are in the midst of voting. I ask that the FEC take immediate action to investigate these potential violations and, if appropriate, take remedial action to prevent further interference with the 2020 Presidential election."

Senator Hawley has also today written letters to Facebook and Twitter demanding answers regarding their censorship of the story.

"Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey falsely tells senators company lifted ban on Post exposé"   New York Post

October 28, 2020 | 1:53pm | Updated"

"Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Wednesday falsely told senators that his company lifted a ban on users tweeting articles from The Post's Hunter Biden exposé, despite the fact that the ban remained on one of The Post's bombshell stories and was only lifted after he made the claim.

"Anyone can tweet these articles," Dorsey told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) about The Post's articles on emails implicating Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in his son's work in China and Ukraine.

But Twitter users quickly noted that the social network still banned distribution of The Post's article describing a business proposal in China involving Hunter Biden and a document indicating a 10 percent set-aside for "the big guy."

"Jack Dorsey of Twitter just told Senator Cruz that anyone could now share the NY Post's bombshell stories on Twitter. Dorsey is lying," tweeted Abigail Marone, a rapid response official on President Trump's re-election campaign, linking to a screen recording of the app blocking the post.

"Twitter is STILL blocking the URL for the NY Post story about the Biden's foreign corruption & China dealings," Marone wrote in a tweet shared by White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on her personal account.""

Concerned American Senior Citizen.
Holds a Master of Arts in Sociology, and a Juris Doctorate in Law from U.S. Universities in Illinois.
Concerned American Senior Citizen.
Holds a Master of Arts in Sociology, and a Juris Doctorate in Law from U.S. Universities in Illinois.
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