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Was there a Conspiracy or Order to Fire at Kent State?
William A. Gordon --  1001 TIPS FOR WRITERS William A. Gordon -- 1001 TIPS FOR WRITERS
Rancho Mirage, CA
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Four Dead in Ohio Book Cover
William A. Gordon
(949) 533-5106
TIE-IN: The 50th anniversary of May 4, 1970 killings at Kent State (May 4, 2020).
    Was there a Conspiracy or 
    Order to Fire at Kent State?
   William A. Gordon, the author of "Four Dead in Ohio,"  considered by many to be the definitive study of the Kent State killings and trials, is available to be interviewed in April, before the 50th anniversary of the tragedy that shocked the nation.
    Here are a few of the questions you could ask him:
1. Why did the Ohio National Guardsmen suddenly stop, practically about-face and fire at the students, most of whom were 300 feet away?  Was there a conspiracy or order to fire?
2. One of the 9 wounded survivors claims there was an order: "Get ready. Get set. Point. Fire." Why do you say it a hoax?
3. Why is the university "honoring" some of the worst propagandists and people who still defend and want to celebrate the violence of the students? Could not it find anyone else to "honor"? What about the people who were part of the "search for the truth" Or those who fought for some semblance of justice?
4. Why did you announce that you would donate free ebooks to Kent State's students, faculty and alumni? What do you mean it is "an act of creative revenge"?
5. In the annals of literature has any historian ever definitively solved any historical cause celebre? 
6. In the end, will a Guardsmen ever come forward and say why they really fired?
7. Which professor complained your book read too well?
   Review copies of "Four Dead in Ohio" are available on request. Below is a link to Gordon's op-ed in the March  6, 2010 Cleveland Plain Dealer explaining his donation of his ebooks to Kent State students.
   Gordon, who also wrote three other books, is now a semi-retired author and editor living in Southern California. He is a 1973 graduate of Kent State.
BACKGROUND NOTE: "Four Dead in Ohio" was originally published in both hardcover and later in paperback. Both editions are now out of print. They were replaced by the updated and expanded ebook edition, published in 2015. The ebook includes a new preface separating fact from fiction about the claims that there was a secret order to fire, and explains how the FBI lab botched its analysis of the tape?
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Name: William A. Gordon
Title: Author
Dateline: Rancho Mirage, CA United States
Direct Phone: 949-533-5106
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