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Wasp Spray - Bad Idea for Self Defense
David Nance -- Personal Safety Expert David Nance -- Personal Safety Expert
Chicago, IL
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wasp Spray NOT for Self Defense....Leads to Problems NOT Solutions

Wasp spray is once again in the news as an alternative to pepper spray. The use of wasp spray for self defense is not only illegal; a violation of federal law, but it can also lead to user injuries and land the user in legal trouble. Here's how:
  • Wasp spray is not permitted for use in self defense. Using it in a manner inconsistent with its labeling is a punishable offense and a violation of federal law as stated directly on the canister's label
  • Wasp spray has not been tested on humans so the effects are unknown
  • Carrying wasp spray for self defense knowingly violates its intended purpose and demonstrates a willful violation
Unlike wasp spray, Pepper Spray contains an inflammatory agent which causes involuntary eye closure and temporarily blinds the attacker. If the threat cannot feel pain due to alcohol and, or drug consumption, Pepper Spray will still close the attackers' eyes giving the user an opportunity to escape!

The idea of using wasp spray as a self defense tool started in 2009 when a Toledo, Ohio gym teacher was interviewed for a self defense segment. Since then, the rumor has been circulating via bloggers and email blasts. The only reason wasp spray is recommended is that it has a range of 20 feet, however, today's pepper sprays have matched and even surpassed the 20 foot range with one key difference; legal and proven stopping power. This stopping power combined with the greater range help put distance between the victim and the attacker, allowing the victim to escape safely.

The wasp spray myth also falsely suggests police recommend it. The United States' largest user of chemical agents or aerosol irritant projectors is the US Customs & Border Protection Agency (CBP). CBP did an extensive study on chemical agents in 2007. I contacted their Director of Special Operations, Pete Hermansen, and he claims they not only did not consider wasp spray, but CBP could not recommend it either. In all of their training and extensive contacts, they have never heard any professionals discuss it or recommend its usage. Furthermore, an associate of mine contacted eight (8) of the largest wasp spray brands for further clarification. All eight (8) brands would not recommend and in fact all recommended against using wasp spray for self defense.

Pepper spray is legal in all 50 states. The effects of pepper sprays on humans are known and proven. Police departments around the world carry pepper spray, NOT wasp spray because they have experienced its effectiveness and stopping power. Rather than trusting your life to an illegal and unknown product, trust one that has been used and trusted by the men and women of police and military forces worldwide for over 20 years!

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