Today, the criminal justice system is in crisis. U.S. prisons and jails are overcrowded with over 2.2 million convicts, and people are increasingly scared by the number of mass murders in America. They have good reason to be scared, given that the recent Thousand Oaks shooting massacre was the 307th mass shooting in the US this year -- an average of over one a day.
Now in his latest book, Crime in America, criminal justice expert Paul Brakke puts the crime and criminal justice crisis in the U.S. in perspective. In his book, he provides an overview of what's wrong with the current system for dealing with crime in America and provides some suggestions for what to do. The book is written from a conservative perspective describing some fixes to make the system more efficient and cost effective. Brakke also suggests ways to reduce crime and recidivism with community based recommendations to help individuals become more productive citizens and preserve family unity. This way, individuals have less incentive to return to crime and end up back in prison.
Now that Crime in America is available for preorder, Brakke is offering books for free to anyone who wants to review and comment on the book. In addition, he is providing copies to government officials who might turn some of the suggestions for fixing the criminal justice system into legislation. Members of the media are also invited to request copies of the book.
To help draw attention to these suggested fixes in the book, Brakke has launched a daily video and social media campaign. The first 10 videos are featured on his American Leadership Books' YouTube channel. Among the most recent videos are "Want to Know More about U.S. Crime?" and "Why Are Attitudes towards Cops So Divisive?"
Brakke brings to this discussion of crime and criminal justice an extensive background in researching the subject as the publisher of American Leadership Books and the author of seven books, most dealing with what to do about crime in America. Other past books include: The Price of Justice in America, Fixing the U.S. Criminal Justice System, and The Costly U.S. Prison System. Since these first books were designed especially for law enforcement professionals, government officials, and academics, he is now adapting these books for a general audience and will be bringing out his next books -- Fractured America and Prisons in America -- in the next few months.
Copies of Crime in America for review are available to the general public at no charge at For media copies of the book, along with additional information on American Leadership Books and Paul Brakke and to set up interviews, please contact:
Jana Collins
Jones & O'Malley
Toluca Lake, California
818) 762-8353