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[Webinar] Mitigating the Manufacturing Jobs Meltdown
Ira S. Wolfe Ira S. Wolfe
Lehigh Valley, PA
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

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The U.S. is experiencing a watershed moment. A pandemic layered on a technological revolution amidst a massive labor market disruption has elevated the "inability to attract and retain talent" to the top of the list of things that keep executives up at night. The crisis is escalating, particularly for manufacturers, who project that 2.4 million jobs will go unfilled due to skill deficits over the next 10 years. McKinsey just recently revealed that 17 million Americans (100 million worldwide) will need to lose their jobs and enter a new line of work before the end of this decade. That's a 25 percent increase from pre-pandemic numbers. The World Economic Forum estimates that 375 million people are likely to be left behind if we don't act now.

How can industries and communities mitigate what renowned labor economist and 20X author Ed Gordon https://imperialcorp.com) has predicted will become an era of "Job Shock," a 2030 employment meltdown? Join Ed and Future of Work Global Thought Leader Ira S Wolfe https://linkedIn.com/in/irawolfe) on February 26 at Noon PM ET for this month's livestream installment of the Gordon Report, featuring Ed's newest white paper "Job Shock: Solving the Pandemic & 2030 Employment Meltdown."

The cost is FREE.  The live stream will be broadcast simultaneously on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook.  You can click on any of the following links to set a reminder and watch the interview.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/2bRdggfTezQ

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6769408658452316160

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/72496282258/posts/10159433523177259/

About Success Performance Solutions

Success Performance Solutions helps companies of any size in any industry recruit faster and hire smarter. Since 1996, SPS has established itself as a leader in pre-hire and leadership assessment, respected by both clients and peers. It also provides recruitment marketing consulting services and offers an extensive library of online microlearning videos for coaching and training.

About Ira S Wolfe

Ira S Wolfe is a “Millennial trapped in a Baby Boomer body” and the world’s first Chief Googlization Officer. He is president of Poised for the Future Company, founder of Success Performance Solutions, a TEDx Speaker, host of Geeks Geezers Googlization podcast, and frequent presenter at SHRM and business conferences. Ira was also recently honored as one of the Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Future of Work by Thinkers360. His most recent book is Recruiting in the Age of Googlization, now in its 2nd edition, is recognized as one of the best HR and Recruiting books of all-time by Book Authority. He is also the founder of the Googlization Nation community and frequent contributor to HR and business blog.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ira S Wolfe
Title: Chief Googlization Officer
Group: Poised for the Future Company
Dateline: Wind Gap, PA United States
Direct Phone: 484-373-4300
Main Phone: 800-803-4303
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