Home > NewsRelease > West Hempstead Rotary Club’s Service Above Self Award
West Hempstead Rotary Club’s Service Above Self Award
Fidelifacts -- Background Investigations Fidelifacts -- Background Investigations
New York, NY
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rosalie Norton, Secretary/Treasurer and Benefits Administrator, of Fidelifacts/Metropolitan NY Inc. started working for Fidelifacts in 1977 as an Investigator and currently is licensed as a Private Investigator in New York and in New Jersey.     Mrs. Norton was honored April 28, 2011 at the West Hempstead Rotary Club's annual Foundation Dinner where she received their coveted 'Service Above Self Award' and awarded a 'Paul Harris Fellow'.

Rosalie when told she was being selected for this honor commented, "It doesn't seem right to receive an award for doing what you love.  My philosophy is, if there is a job to be done, then work to help get it done."  She went on to say that, "being an investigator and knowing the importance of accuracy and fact finding, has helped me not only professionally but as a volunteer as well.   At the end of the day, I hope that I can say that I helped put more smiles on people's faces than tears to their eyes.  Making friends and working with people of all ages is far better than sitting on the sidelines and not being part of the excitement of working towards a goal."

She was selected for the Award by the Rotary Club because of the many years of dedication and leadership qualities she has exhibited as a volunteer; and, because she believes in and lives by the Rotary's four way test, is it the Truth, is it Fair, does it build Goodwill and Better Friendships and will it be Beneficial to all concerned.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Thomas W. Norton
Title: President
Group: Fidelifacts/Metropolitan NY Inc.
Dateline: Mineola, NY United States
Direct Phone: 212-425-1520
Main Phone: 212-425-1520
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