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Wharton DC Innovation Summit Reinvented to Help Businesses Move Forward
Wharton Club of DC & Wharton DC Innovation Summit Wharton Club of DC & Wharton DC Innovation Summit
Washington, DC
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Wharton DC Innovation Summit

PRESS ADVISORY                                                            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 

June 6, 2021

7th Annual Wharton DC Innovation Summit June 10-12, 14-16, 2021:

"Innovation Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World"

Reinvented to Help Businesses Move Forward

For More Information, please call Alan Schlaifer, Summit Chair, at (301) 365-8999,  anschlaifer@whartondc.com



Washington, DC: "We recognize that businesses and their leaders still face challenges, even as the economy recovers from the pandemic. To help them survive and grow, we are again holding our annual Wharton DC Innovation Summit," says Alan Schlaifer, Summit Chairman.

"To connect and inspire innovators of all ages and diverse backgrounds who seek guidance as we recover from the pandemic," says Ruwan Salgado, Program Chair, "we have reinvented this year's Summit in many ways."

"The title itself, 'Innovation Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World,' is new, evolving as we always do to examine trends, challenges and opportunities," Salgado says. "This year, our sessions dealing with diverse areas of some of the biggest change, issues, and movement, from healthcare and the longevity economy to funding, fintech, infrastructure and sustainability."

Because of continuing concerns about Covid-19, this year's program is again online. All are welcome to attend, regardless of gender, age, location, or schools attended. They are encouraged to attend live sessions, to learn more and take part in networking breakouts.

Summit Chair Alan Schlaifer says, "These are a few ways we have reinvented the Summit to make it stimulating and fun:

·      Starting top-level Keynote Panel on Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 3:30 PM EDT, will give attendees an overview of the vital trends. They will share what they foresee as needed in innovation leadership in the public and private sectors as we move ahead. Speakers include:

o   Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman, who will provide a national overview of trends and opportunities, and

o   Stu Solomon, CEO, ConnectedDMV, with the regional perspective from D.C., Maryland and Virginia

  • A career enhancement and advancement workshop. It features a keynote from someone who has overcome many hurdles and has a mission of helping others do likewise.
  • Adding fun to the calendar, and to overcome Zoom fatigue:
    • A magic show with Wharton alum David Morey at the end of one Summit day, to add the magic of innovation to what attendees do in their work and life.
    • Top comedian, Scott Wyler, who's entertained people around the world on Princess cruises. His "well-grounded" humor does not leave anyone at sea, and you can watch from your home port.
  • A special speaker to share with your innovative kids or grandkids: Oue keynote from the amazing 15-year old, Gitanjali Rao, TIME magazine's "Kid of the Year" 2020, will spark the creativity and inventiveness of all, from single-digit ages on up.
  • Surprises – fun prizes – attendees can share with friends if they win.
  • In-Person Receptions – outdoors – at Embassies."

Salgado says, "We believe that attendees have an unbeatable package. They can attend as few or as many of the sessions as they want online, and access others through recordings. If watching live, they can network during breakouts." 

He adds, "Add in the new features, such as the career workshop, and it's an unbeatable value for as little as $29/person."

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Contact Alan Schlaifer, Innovation Summit Chairman: 301-365-8999, or email: anschlaifer@whartondc.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Alan N. Schlaifer
Title: President & CEO
Group: Wharton Club of DC
Dateline: Bethesda, MD United States
Direct Phone: 301-365-8999
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