WASHINGTON, DC: The Wharton DC Innovation Summit, "Innovation Leadership in a Post-Pandemic World," concluded its first day. Alan Schlaifer, Summit Chair, says, "We had three outstanding panels: top level keynotes, healthcare, and the longevity economy. Experts at each session focused on trends and the vastly changed road ahead for entrepreneurs who wish to find solutions to some of the biggest challenges - and opportunities. Healthcare and the Longevity Economy both amount to trillions of dollars each year in the U.S. alone, and are expected to continue growing."
He says, "On our second day, we turn to financial issues critical to small and emerging business success. We have a keynote, 'Is Your Company Fundable," from Alan Brody, which all entrepreneurs should attend, and an outstanding fintech panel. We also have a must-attend session on The Future of Funding."
Ruwan Salgado, Summit Program Chair, says, "For the past 15 months, the major story on much business funding was the massive Federal infusion of hundreds of billions of dollars to help small and other businesses survive the pandemic. With the economy back to growth mode, many startup and early stage growth companies that survived are getting needed funding from traditional sources. These include SBA-guaranteed loans, the SBA's multi-billion-dollar annual SBIR (Small Business Investment Research) grant program, the SBA's SBIC (Small Business Investment Companies) program, self-funding, and friends and family."
Schlaifer says, "Also, Federal and state tax incentives may also be available to some companies. Crowd, angel and venture funding may also be considered. Natalia Olson, former SBA Regional Administrator, will discuss the various SBA and other options that you may want to consider."
He says, "In recent months, there have been two major developments. One is an explosion of activity in IPOs for technology companies. This changes the game for some companies seeking an exit, which had often been limited to acquisitions. Listen to a major player in the Washington region tell us why IPOs are suddenly back for tech companies and what this means for entrepreneurs and investors. The other on which he will comment is "SPACs" – Special Purpose Acquisition Companies."
Salgado, "All entrepreneurs, as well as small and medium enterprise (SME) officials, are invited to join us if they have good prospects and need funds. This is true regardless of where they went to school, their age, gender or ethnicity. Our Summits are always open to those who want to fulfill their dreams by improving the world. Just visit our website, and register:"
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