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What Company Executives Can Learn About Leadership From Bob Dole
Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert
Washington, DC
Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Commentary From Crisis Management Expert Edward Segal, Author of Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies (Nicholas Breasley)

Surviving trying times can help build character—and careers. In many ways, former Republican Senator Bob Dole, who died this month at age 98, certainly lived through and survived some trying times which molded and shaped his character, career and leadership style.

A Model For Others

 Charles G. Tharp is a professor of the department of practice of management and organizations at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. He said that, "Bob Dole's style of leadership is a model for leaders of any organization—be it in business, government or not-for-profit. 

"Dole's ability to be clear about his north star of serving his fellow citizens and subordinating ego, political affiliation, and self-interest to achieving that purpose, is an inspiring and sustaining approach to leadership. In the face of social and political divisiveness, as Dole faced during his many years of public service, having an unwavering commitment to serving a purpose higher than oneself is truly the measure of superior leadership."

How Dole led through challenging and difficult times in his life provides important lessons in leadership for corporate executives.

Be Willing To Put Aside Differences

President Joe Biden said in a statement that, "In the Senate, though we often disagreed, he never hesitated to work with me or other Democrats when it mattered most. He and Ted Kennedy came together to turn Bob's lifelong cause into the Americans with Disabilities Act—granting tens of millions of Americans lives of greater dignity.

"On the Social Security Commission, he led a bipartisan effort with Pat Moynihan to ensure that every American could grow old with their basic dignity intact. When he managed the bill to create a federal holiday in the name of Martin Luther King, Jr.—a bill that many in his own caucus opposed—I will never forget what he said to our colleagues: 'No first-class democracy can treat people like second-class citizens.'

March Forward

Jameson Sharp is a former senior policy advisor in the Kansas House of Representatives and now an investment group partner at Neptune Capital. He observed that, "Bob Dole's heroism and leadership to serve his fellow Americans did not stop on the battlefield of World War II. It continued onto the Senate and onto when he ran for President of the United States.

"Every business executive in Corporate America could certainly take this single important leadership lesson and put it to work right away. And that lesson is to keep marching forward through the fear, uncertainty and the painful result of defeat. Because on the other side is what we call personal growth."

Set An Example

Jonathan Smith, founder of CamperGuide said, "The important leadership lesson that we should learn from Senator Bob Dole that we can use in business is the value of making yourself as an example. 

"We should be at the forefront of everything. We inspire and motivate our employees in different matters. We offer assistance by giving training, providing tools to increase knowledge, and helping our team members increase productivity and efficiency. We provide support and guidance when challenges arise."

Be Determined To Succeed

Liam Johnson, CEO of TheHitchStore, said, "What I admire most about Bob Dole is how he coped up with adversity. Despite his physical limitations because he couldn't use his right hand, he had the courage to get through the difficult times and looked at things from a different perspective. I remember reading an article where he said that if he couldn't greet people with his right hand, he could reach them with his left.

"As a business leader, it is important to be determined to succeed even in the face of adversity. Always persevere and don't let the fire inside you die. Accept the challenge and continue moving forward. In business, we don't always achieve what we want. There will be mishaps and challenges, that's for sure, but remember that when one door closes, a window opens."

Depend On Others

Nathan Hughes, marketing director at DiggityMarketing, said that, "I have admired Senator Dole for a long time. There was a lot to learn from that person. He used to radiate a handful of leadership qualities that a business leader should adopt.

"One such quality was 'Lead by example' amongst the many. During World War II, when Lt. Dole moved to the front lines with his other soldiers instead of staying back. He was injured by a grenade later and even lost the use of his right hand forever.

"Another such quality is 'Seek Help from Other.' Usually, leaders would hesitate to seek help from other people. Leaders perceive themselves as the lone warrior. But Sen. Dole proved in many instances that a good leader can depend on others too.

"Business leaders must inculcate these qualities in them to achieve great success in their careers," he concluded.

Encourage People

"One of the most important leadership lessons we can learn from Bob Dole is how important it was to encourage people to work together for the common good," according to psychotherapist and author Christina Steinorth-Powell. "Bob Dole encouraged people to negotiate their differences and search for common ground—this is why everyone liked him. 


"He believed encampments in either direction were not a good thing and counterproductive to getting a job done. He wasn't strong handed in his approach and often used humor to lighten the mood even if the joke was at his own expense," she noted.

Find Ways To Make Things Work

Jesse Forrest is the founder of Copywriting Crew, a digital agency that provides writing services for business owners. He said, "Senator Bob Dole is the one responsible for making me a very patient person. I've admired him for having absolute patience.

"He's a man who always [wanted] to make things work. As long as you wait for the perfect timing, there's no way you can't get what you want. For him, the welfare of other people should always come first. And that is what makes him a great leader. In leadership, command and obedience is what matters. Without the latter, you're just merely someone who loves to command but will never have a follower."

'Be Out Front'

Rafal Mlodzki is the CEO of Passport Photo Online. He recalled that in Dole's book, One Soldier's Story: A Memoir, "the Senator wrote words that impacted my whole life: '(...) instinct told me that a leader had to be out front. He must be willing to endure the fire rather than hide from it, or let somebody else take the brunt of the blows.'

"This is the essence of so-called servant leadership, which I consider to be the best model of leadership. Senator Dole valued compassion and empathy, which made him an outstanding example of an inspiring leader and man. That's the lesson I'll never forget."

Edward Segal is a crisis management expert, consultant and author of the award-winning Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare For and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals and Other Emergencies (Nicholas Brealey). He is a Leadership Strategy Senior Contributor for Forbes.com where he covers crisis-related news, topics and issues. Read his recent articles at https://www.forbes.com/sites/edwardsegal/?sh=3c1da3e568c5.

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