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What Every Parent Should Do Before Letting Their Kids Go Trick-or-Treating !!!
Polly Franks - Crime Victim Advocate, Child Safety Expert Polly Franks - Crime Victim Advocate, Child Safety Expert
Richmond, VA
Saturday, October 28, 2017

What Every Parent Should Do Before Letting Their Kids Go Trick-or-Treating !!!

It takes less than five minutes, and it won't cost you a dime.  It just might save your child's life.  Before letting your children go trick-or-treating, "It's Not Your Fault" (www.itsnotyourfault.us) is urging America's parents to check their local sex offender registry for convicted sexual predators in their area.  "It's the RESPONSIBILITY of America's parents to take a look at their local sex offender registry in order to better protect their children and the children in their community," states true crime author Polly Franks, Executive Director of "It's Not Your Fault."  "This is especially relevant in the days immediately prior to Halloween.  DO NOT assume that all convicted child predators must keep their outdoor lights off and aren't allowed to have trick-treaters in their homes.  Laws vary from state to state and are extremely difficult to enforce.  We highly recommend the Family WatchDog website at www.familywatchdog.us."  Franks also recommends that children under the age of 12 not be allowed to go trick-or-treating without a trusted adult and also advises that kids 12 and older go out in large groups with strict rules and a curfew.

"Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I'm not suggesting that we take any of the fun out of it," says Franks, a mother of three.  "I'm simply asking America's parents to be smart in how we let our kids celebrate this unique holiday."    

Polly Franks has served as an advocate for victims of violent crime, particularly childhood sexual abuse, since 1995. Her commitment to this cause stems from her experience as the mother of three children who were endangered by a former neighbor and family friend who turned out to be a convicted sexual predator from another state.  During his crime spree between 1982 to 1998, this predator was linked to a minimum of 286 reported incidents of sexual crimes.  Although she is in a wheelchair, Polly became a licensed private investigator for the sole purpose of bringing ths predator to justice.

He is now in prison serving a life sentence.

Since that time, Polly has testified before Congress and lobbied on Capitol Hill for tougher sex offender laws, such as the nationwide Amber Alert bill and the Adam Walsh Child Protection Act.  Her story was published in Good Housekeeping magazine.  She has been interviewed by the Today Show, Dateline NBC, 20/20, Court TV, the John Walsh Show, ABC World News Tonight, CNN/HLN, Nancy Grace and Fox News.  In addition, she has numerous interviews for national radio programs, as well ans newspaper and magazine articles.  She has shared her story in audiences throughout the country. 

In 2006, Polly created the Franks Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting America's children from sexual predators.  Since that time, the Franks Foundation has been expanded and renamed "It's Not Your Fault," (www.itsnotyourfault.us)

In 2017, her story was published by Vandamere Press in a nonfiction book "Devil at My Door." (www.devilatmydoor.com)

Polly is a graduate of Bluefield College.  She is the very proud mother of three grown daughters, one grandchild, a menagerie of house pets (her four-legged children) and a host of "honorary" sons and daughters.    

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Name: Polly Franks
Title: Executive Director
Group: It's Not Your Fault
Dateline: Richmond, VA United States
Direct Phone: 804.564.9196
Main Phone: 804-564-9196
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