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What Felicity Huffman Faced serving her Federal Prison for her Varsity Blues Case Conviction
Larry Levine -- Midnight Report Larry Levine -- Midnight Report
Hollywood, CA
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

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Prison Expert Larry Levine explains on HLN "True Crime Live " what Newly Minted Felon Felicity Huffman, who was convicted in Federal Court the Varsity Blues College Cheating scandal will face during her stay at a women's Federal Prison in Dublin, California.

Huffman was arrested by Federal Agents in an early morning raid at her California home on March 12 and charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services fraud. She appeared on March 13 in Los Angeles Federal Court, where FBI agents seized her passport and the court released her after her husband Actor William Macy posted a $250,000 bail.

At a court appearance in Boston April 3, Huffman acknowledged her rights, her charges, and maximum possible penalties; she waived a pretrial hearing, signed conditions of her release, and was allowed to leave. On April 8, she agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud and was sentenced to 14 days in Federal Prison, and a $30,000 fine followed by a period of Federal Supervised Release



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Name: Larry Levine
Title: Director
Group: Wall Street Prison Consultants
Dateline: Moorpark, CA United States
Direct Phone: 213-948-1069
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