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What Makes Social Media Profitable?
Don Crowther -- Social Media and Internet Marketing Expert Don Crowther -- Social Media and Internet Marketing Expert
Racine, WI
Thursday, August 9, 2012

How To Make Social Media Make You Money
Video Clip: Click to Watch
Online marketing guru and the world's leading expert on building profits through social media, Don Crowther, today released a video explaining the results of his study of the differences between companies who make money using social media and those who don't.

Crowther's video can be found at http://3XSocial.com

"The dirty little secret of social media," Crowther said, "is that most companies don't make ANY money from their social media efforts."

The primary reason for that lack of profitability, he asserts, is that most companies have focused on holding conversations with their audience rather than building business relationships based upon their company's area of expertise.

The downside of this conversation-focused behavior is that they develop personal friendships that don't translate into sales, and that conversation-based social media requires massive amounts of time to be conducted properly.

"You can either get friends or a fortune from social media, you can't have both."

"Instead," Crowther states, "companies should focus on providing their audience valuable content around their area of expertise and building a social media system that reduces the time required to run social media to a few minutes per day."

Don Crowther is the President and Founder of 3XSocial.com, a training program based on building systems to implement the top three highest returning strategies in social media. More information about Don Crowther can be found at http://www.DonCrowther.com and 3XSocial at http://www.3XSocial.com

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