Home > NewsRelease > What Should Suzanne Hinn’s Forensic Accountant Look for During Divorce Case Against Benny Hinn?
What Should Suzanne Hinn’s Forensic Accountant Look for During Divorce Case Against Benny Hinn?
Trinity Foundation, Inc -- Religion Fraud Detectives Trinity Foundation, Inc -- Religion Fraud Detectives
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Dallas, TX
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

  (Photo: Benny and Suzanne Hinn appearing together on TV following their 2013 remarriage.) In a divorce petition filed on July 26, 2024, in Florida, televangelist Benny Hinn’s wife Suzanne Hinn reported, “The marriage between the Wife and Husband is irretrievably broken.” Suzanne requested spousal support and asked the court, “Require the Husband to contribute […]
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Name: Ole Anthony
Title: President/Publisher
Group: Trinity Foundation, Inc./The Door Magazine
Dateline: Dallas, TX United States
Direct Phone: 214-827-2625
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