Monday, January 27, 2020
In 2011, the same year I discovered the child-rearing secrets that would transform my home and the world...
...the school psychologist shared that not only did my 7-year-old son have ADHD, but the worst case of ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) she had ever seen.
You probably feel as if you've already tried everything you can think of to help your kids calm down and learn. Have you read every parenting book to exist in an attempt to be a great parent?
Still, at the end of every day — and every doctor's appointment — you find yourself at your wit's end, confused as a parent and desperate for answers... am I right?
I get it! You are not here by chance or luck. You've been praying to God for a better way and He led you straight to us!
The truth is that God doesn't make sick kids. Genesis 1:27 God made man in His image. In His image He created them. Male and female He created them.
Today I enjoy my time with all four of my teenagers. They are no longer on the special needs spectrum. They're confident, respectful, grateful and motivated to succeed in their relationships, school and in life.
You have found THE Parent Helpers! This Dynamic Duo have dedicated their lives to helping parents bring out the best in their children.
Click here to watch a short bio video!
Bonnie has an extensive background in personal development. She has been recognized as a leader in business, being featured in two National Magazines, Success Magazine and Your Business at home. She has worked with tens of thousands of individuals through Inspirational Speaking, Coaching and Leadership.
Thomas has spent his entire life working with and coaching children. He began coaching little league at the age of 17 and by 1994 he was running and operating his own Martial Arts School. He made a decision early on to always work with kids in a positive manner, meaning never saying no to a child and it worked to produce happy, successful and grateful children!!! He has developed a philosophy for guiding children behavior by teaching children to earn things.
These two have strategically come together to create the most up-to-date and innovative parenting philosophy on the planet!!! The Creating Champions for Life philosophy has already helped thousands of families discover true happiness, peace and loving relationships with one another. Find out all you can about this amazing philosophy!