Home > NewsRelease > What’s Hot in Alaska: Startups
What’s Hot in Alaska: Startups
Consumer Technology Association (CTA) Consumer Technology Association (CTA)
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Arlington, VA
Tuesday, May 17, 2016


For Ed Riefle, founder of Alaska-based startup PostalZen, a community dedicated to promoting its local businesses keeps him in the state.
Recently, Alaska earned the rank of “Modest Innovator” — which is in the bottom half of the rankings — in our 2016 Innovation Scorecard, an annual index to highlight which states best champion smart policies for tech startups. Although the state earned low marks in most categories, high grades in “Tax Friendliness” and “Entrepreneurial Activity” categories show the state’s bright spots for attracting startups.

Why did you choose to start your business in Alaska?
ER: Alaska has some ground to make up, but the community and government are on the right track. Alaska was where employment brought my family, and I couldn't imagine working on this adventure anywhere else. Aside from the unparalleled surroundings, the community is dedicated to promoting its local businesses. There is a real feeling of momentum and excitement beginning to grow. Recently, Launch Alaska — the state’s first accelerator — began accepting applications. I feel, now more than ever, that there are opportunities for Alaska to build innovative and competitive products. The global marketplace gives us the ability operate anywhere, while creating more competition. This competition ultimately drives innovation.
Why is it important for Alaska to support innovative new business models?
ER: With declining oil revenue, Alaska understands the need for diversifying business. This isn't the first time Alaska has experienced these challenges, but there is a real understanding of the necessity to do better. Historically, Alaska’s industries have been in-step with the natural resources. The Community of Economic Development, Alaska Small Business Development Center and The Boardroom, a co-working space, have acted as catalysts for forward-thinking innovators. Local entrepreneurs know Alaska's future is tied to creating other verticals, like those highlighted in the Launch Alaska accelerator.
What’s next for PostalZen?
ER: PostalZen started offering hassle-free automated letters, postcards and photos for consumers. We've since realized that many small businesses which send a limited amount of mail are underserved. My goal is to take care of those businesses by providing hassle-free mailings with unparalleled ease of use. I know from experience that it can be difficult for small businesses to find the time to get everything done, and I'm helping these business owners get back to the important stuff. 

To read more about Alaska’s grades and find out where your state ranks, check out the complete 2016 Innovation Scorecard report.


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