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What's Your Style??? Subscription, Participation or Domination?
Platform Wire -- Affiliate News Platform Wire -- Affiliate News
Georgetown, DC
Saturday, January 2, 2021

What's Your Style??? Subscription, Participation or Domination?

What's Your Style??? Subscription, Participation or Domination?

Help the news media:

** Know your expertise.

** Know you welcome interviews.

** Know how to reach you.

ExpertClick and I would like to welcome you back for the 37th annual -- The 2021 Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons.

There are three ways to get back in the game:

1) Domination -- simply buy a banner ad to run at the top of the topic results: $275 a year.

2) Participation Membership, send news releases, have a press room, get top ranking in search, and be in the printed Yearbook of Experts. $59 a month and up.

3) Non-active subscription -- have a web press room but not send news releases -- $100 a year & plus you'll have a speaker bureau profile with The International Platform Association.

You'll be in good company on the topic of Marketing

See experts on "Marketing" here:


See our new quick-send news release send page at www.NewsClick.com -- just seven keystrokes.

I've got your press room in the archive. See it here:


....and as a renewal, I can offer legacy member discounts and/or an upgrade..

Let's find a time to talk.

Please advise best time for me to call and best number to reach you or just call me: (202) 333-5000 rings on my desk

----Mtichell P. Davis, Founder

202) 333-5000


See the Membership Participation benefit levels -- starting at $59 a month here:


See how the banner ad looks for Randall Craig on "Social Media"

here: https://www.expertclick.com/experts/Social%20Media.aspx

Don't miss out on being the #1 expert on Direct Mail Marketing.

There is only space for one participant's banner in search on "Direct Mail Marketing," Available on an exclusive, first-come, first served opportunity.

-- Mitchell P. Davis, Editor

-- www.ExpertClick.com -- Expert Referral system

-- The Yearbook of Experts -- in print since 1984

-- Download free at www.ExpertBook.com

-- www.NewsReleaseWire.com - Opt-in at www.GetNewsReleases.com

-- Push technology to Google News & Lexis

-- www.InternationalPlatform.org Speakers Bureau -- founded 1831.

Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.

2500 Wisconsin Ave, NW

Washington, D.C. 20007

USA Main phone: (202) 333-5000

P.S. Want more booking as a speaker? Find lots of events – many of the virtual == seeking speakers at http://www.Twitter.com/SpeakerLeads

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell Davis
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Georgetown, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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