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When Is Your Sense of Security Dangerous?
Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP, RIMS-CRMP, CMC Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP, RIMS-CRMP, CMC
Calgary, AB
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Complacency Is Dangerous
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Gas Processing Association Canada (GPAC) is a non-profit organization that expands technical knowledge and exchanges ideas to those involved with or affected by the hydrocarbon processing industry. Their goal is to share best practices. This is the fundamental reason why GPAC is sponsoring the Operations and Maintenance Safety Conference on March 13, 2015.

STAR-TING INCORPORATED is pleased to announce its participation in the conference to discuss and increase awareness on safety, security and risk. These themes are well-known to Loreen Sherman, Director and CEO of Star-Ting Incorporated. Her knowledge comes from over 35 years of experience. She will be a conference speaker alongside Ahmed Aboudheir, President and Chief Technology Officer of HTC Purenergy; Hailei Jiang, Advanced Process Control Engineer of Spartan Controls and others.

Safety, security and risk management are important in the running of operations and projects. This year's theme is complacency. A critical look at hidden dangers and being unaware of potential hazards is the thrust of the conference.  Often people feel a quiet pleasure or security while unaware of these potential dangers. Sherman will present when, why and how your sense of security is dangerous. Her tips will increase the awareness of workplace safety.

Security risks in the workplace are manifold:

  • Materials
  • Conditions
  • Practices

The desire to prevent injury and illness to employees, volunteers and owners in the workplace is critical because human resources are valuable. A car can be replaced but the driver of the car is irreplaceable. Awareness is critical in keeping these valuable assets alive.

So, how can you participate? Call 403.289.2292 or Toll Free 1.877.896.7292 today.

Director and CEO at Star-Ting Incorporated, a direct management consulting firm, Loreen Sherman is active in GPAC, SCMA, PHS, COAA and the Canadian Heavy Oil Association where she chairs the Communications and External Relations committee with the focus on advancing the educational content of how the oil industry works. Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta she collaborates with Board, CEO’s, executives and subject matter experts to build energy management solutions.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP
Title: Director & CEO
Group: Star Ting Incorporated
Dateline: Calgary, AB Canada
Direct Phone: 1.403.289.2292
Main Phone: 1.403.289.2292
Cell Phone: 1.587.225.2292
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