Thursday, October 31, 2024
Kat StansellI’ve been calling things as I see them for a lot of years. I am happy to say that many of the things on which I focus have been labelled a “conspiracy”. That makes me a “Conspiracy Theorist”, a tag I wear with pride, because that means that I have been on target pretty often. Really, I’m not bragging, just helping to show where truth is to be found. A Cliff Notes on today’s reality, sort of.
Been digging in that litter box a while, and have learned some things to share with you.
I want to get at the meaning of the word, “Conspiracy” and its usage today. MSM leans on it heavily, and within their lap-dog labels, they are telling us a lot.
“Conspiracy”, in the dictionary, is “a secret plan by a group to do something harmful”.
So, somebody who puts together details about the actions or words of others, is commenting on what they have observed, or figured out, and is NOT in a group who is planning to do something bad.
This brings into play the OTHER major misunderstanding in news today. It is the mental disease of “projection”, which means attributing to others, actions or thoughts taken by yourself or others in your group. Projection is a disease which affects the Left. Rush Limbaugh, God rest his soul, is the one who taught me that.
Projection is the single best way to see the intentions of the Left. Just listen to them, and what they are accusing us of doing. because that is exactly what they are doing!
It’s easy to see why the world is such a crazy place.
Just these last few days, I have seen the act of weather warfare, climate engineering, being brought up by Accuweather (CNN) and others who rush to decry it as a “conspiracy”. Many of us have been reporting the truths about the use of it, and the history of the its development , since Helene managed to destroy the very conservative parts of four states just before a crucial election.
Today, a group I trust brought in the Aurora Borealis, witnessed all over the country in places never seen, in the days following Milton, and tied it to HAARP.
THAT fascinated me, as I had never made that connection, nor heard of it. Read for yourself,
Last week, I got a text from my daughter to tell me she had seen the “Northern lights” in Maryland. TV personalities remarked on it in TN, and TX – where none had ever been seen before.
Was everyone conspiring about something?
Now that various groups and writers have tied the targeting of Helene and Milton to weather manipulation, EVERYBODY is a Conspiracy Theorist. But with whom did we plan these things? Oh, wait. Projection again.
It’s clear, of course, that we didn’t. We just reported what was observed. It is THE OTHER SIDE who is conspiring to do us dirty. Projection at its finest. And blessings to all of its thousands of victims in the latest attacks. The evil in our country did you in; the rest of us support you in any way we can.
I’ll keep this short, because often, I can’t. The concepts here are pretty simple.
Every time I get tagged as a conspiracy theorist, I smile. I am onto something that Lucifer’s minions are doing, but pretending it is being done by us . It’s almost like a confession of guilt. The louder they call us out, the more sure I am that I‘m over the target. That is always where the flack it the thickest. Ask any wartime pilot.
Barbara Morris, R.Ph.
P.O. Box 8345
Surprise, AZ 85388