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Where are the Other Larry Nassars Hiding? How to Spot a Sexopath
Nicole Kelly MD -- 69shadesofnashville.com Nicole Kelly MD -- 69shadesofnashville.com
Nashville, TN
Monday, February 12, 2018

Nicole Kelly, M.D. is the nom de plume of an established Nashville physician seeking to educate the public about Sexopaths
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Where are the Other Larry Nassars Hiding?

How to Spot a Sexopath

By Nicole Kelly, M.D.



Dr. Larry Nassar shocked the nation with his decades of child molestation with girls under the age of 15 resulting in a sentence of 40-175 years in prison after pleading guilty to seven counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Although it is impossible to officially diagnose without a psychological interview, Dr. Nassar meets the criteria for a Sexopath or a sociopathic sex addict.


A Sexopath has the characteristic traits of a sociopath with an addiction to sex and manipulation. Unfortunately, Sexopaths are difficult to recognize as they lie as easily as they breathe. They can even beat a polygraph machine as they do not have any of the tell-tale signs of increased heart rate or perspiration. A Sexopath is a pathological liar who lacks empathy or a conscience, resulting in a sexual predator.


Spotting a Sexopath starts with understanding sociopathy. It is estimated as many as 1 in 25 people fall on the sociopathic spectrum, yet most of us are completely unaware of their existence. Their brains work differently as PET scans reveal a decrease in function in the temporal and frontal lobes where impulse control and empathy are found. Their primary motivation is personal gain and satisfaction. The world is like a game to be won in which the rest of us are simply pawns to be manipulated.


When the Sister Survivors first met Nassar, they described him as "very charismatic" and "charming" with the "ability to make you feel at ease" Superficial charm is a hallmark of narcissistic sociopaths. They seek your vulnerabilities to use them for manipulation while wearing masks to hide in plain sight.


At the sentencing hearing, Aly Raisman commented on how Nassar stared at her while she spoke. Sexopaths have a "predatory stare" where they refuse to look away. It can be incredibly unnerving and unsettling. Their stare often is used to intimidate but is also a weapon for seduction used to capture an unsuspecting victim.


Often the Sexopath makes the victim feel responsible. If a doctor says it is "medical treatment" then "there must be something wrong with me for thinking it was wrong" When caught, the Sexopath never accepts blame. Nassar felt his sentence was "not proper, appropriate, fair" Even after pleading guilty, he continued to blame others while insisting his molestation was "medical" and that he was a "good doctor" He blamed the women as "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," and claimed he was manipulated into pleading guilty despite over 150 reports of abuse.


Sexopaths are among us. The first step to protecting ourselves, our relationships, and our families is to recognize them. If we can understand how they think, we can beat them at their own game. It is time to take our power back.


Nicole Kelly, M.D. is the nom de plume of an established Nashville physician seeking to educate the public about the Sexopath in an entertaining format through a first-person  narrative of NashvilleKitty inspired by an actual sociopathic sex addict in 69 Shades of Nashville: Sociopathic Sex Southern Style.  For a review copy send an email to:

nashvillekitty@69shadesofnashville.com or visit http://www.69ShadesofNashville.com

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Name: Nicole Kelly
Title: nashvillekitty@69shadesofnashville.com
Dateline: Nashville, TN United States
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