Home > NewsRelease > Why We Love Patti Stanger: The Millionaire Matchmaker
Why We Love Patti Stanger: The Millionaire Matchmaker
Leslie Ungar -- Leadership Coach Leslie Ungar -- Leadership Coach
Akron, OH
Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Millionaire Matchmaker is more than reality TV.

It is more than a guilty pleasure to the more than one million viewers who watched last season's finale.

It's a dose of "reality", common sense that is not too common in today's world.

I love Patti Stanger. Evidently, 1.6 million other viewers do also. She not only tells it like it is, she tells it like it is to millionaires.

We mere mortals think that millionaires are different. They're not, but we think they are not like us. So when we hear Patti Stanger, who could be any one of us, talking so directly to the gods of Wall Street or the gods of Silicon Valley, we are so glad to know that they have to hear advice just like us.

Patti is like the Simon Cowell of the dating world. We love Simon Cowell. That is, we love to hear Simon smack down someone else.

It's great when it is a young, budding artist. It is even better when it is a millionaire smack down.

The best part about Ms. Stanger is that she has never been married. She is not apologetic for being a matchmaker who has never been matched herself. She proudly wears her single-but-available badge on her newly thin body.

This is the best part because it is common sense proof for all of us.

Jim Tressel, Coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes, did not play in the Big Ten. Joe Paterno, Penn State head coach for 61 years, could not have played at Penn State himself.

Patti Stanger is proof to all of us that we don't have to have done it, to do it. And knowing that is worth a million.

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Name: Leslie Ungar
Title: President
Group: Electric Impulse Communications, Inc.
Dateline: Akron, OH United States
Direct Phone: 330-668-6569
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