Home > NewsRelease > Why You Should Attend the 2014 Economic Summit
Why You Should Attend the 2014 Economic Summit
Glenn Plantone -- Las Vegas Real Estate Investment Expert Glenn Plantone -- Las Vegas Real Estate Investment Expert
Las Vegas, NV
Wednesday, October 15, 2014


As a Las Vegas Real Estate Investor I know that staying on top of trends in the marketplace is the most valuable tool an investor needs to use in order to gain equity in personal portfolios. I have personally added over $5 million in equity to my personal portfolio in the last 2 years alone, as well as helped add millions more for many other investors I have worked with.

How did I achieve this?

Through my constant vigilance in spotting marketplace trends, identifying where the opportunities lie, having the ability to act on the opportunity, and actually taking action to take advantage of that opportunity.

The Economic Summit is an example of the type of conferences and events I frequent to keep abreast of the trends and opportunities that exist in real estate on a local, national, and global level.  Investors who attend this year's annual "Econosummit" will learn:

  1. How current geopolitical events will impact investors on a personal level
  2. What to invest in and avoid in today's economy
  3. The outlook for interest rates and how it will impact investors
  4. The best strategy to make money in today's real estate market

This year's Economic Summit will take place on November 15th and 16th, 2014 and will last from 8am to 8pm on both days.  It will be held at the Las Vegas Orleans Hotel.  Registration is normally $299 but I have negotiated a special rate through the Las Vegas Investment Club for a discounted registration price of only $99!

I encourage all aspiring real estate investors to take advantage of this special offer for this upcoming Economic Summit in November in Las Vegas. By attending the Economic Summit investors can gain valuable knowledge on market trends to help boost equity in their own personal portfolios...all at an incredible discounted price.

I will be there and I hope you will to!

To take advantage of the $99 special registration rate you must RSVP to Kelsey, Glenn's marketing coordinator, by emailing info@vip-realty-group.com.  This special rate is NOT available through the website.  Registration is limited to a maximum of 200 people.  This will sell out!  RSVP today!

For more information on the Economic Summit, please visit: www.econosummit.com/

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Glenn Plantone
Title: Broker/Owner
Group: VIP Realty Group
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: (702) 656-3264
Main Phone: (702) 656-3264
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