Home > NewsRelease > Why a Mentor Network is Your Secret Weapon
Why a Mentor Network is Your Secret Weapon
Daniel Wise --  Federal Prison Time Consulting, LLC Daniel Wise -- Federal Prison Time Consulting, LLC
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Spokane, WA
Monday, April 1, 2019


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Why should you have a mentor network? Facing federal prison time is tough-especially if you want to rise through the turmoil and get on the right path. If you are ambitious and want to build a new life, it is going to take hard work and lots of it. Therefore, it is important to have a mentor network. The good news is that all that hard work should pay off over time. The better news? It is far easier with a mentor network. Building a mentor network is something positive you can do to prepare for federal prison, make it easier to navigate, and come out more successful in the end. Building your own mentor network is a strategy we recommend to everyone, no matter what stage you are at in your sentencing. Having a mentor network is important before sentencing, while in prison and after release. A mentor can prepare you for your sentence, be a support contact while imprisoned and be a guide for what happens after release. You can speak with your mentor at any time – as often as needed. That is important because the anxiety of pre-sentencing can be overwhelming, mentors can help you make the best decisions and talk you through any fears you may have about incarceration. A mentor network can be your most powerful tool in getting through these trying times. A mentoring network is also important while serving your sentence. Prisons can be isolating and confusing. Having access to a network of mentors available to answer all your questions is sanity-saving. Having an established mentor network also comes in handy the first few hours, days, and weeks after release from prison, since this is when ex-prisoners are highly vulnerable and most prone to feel overwhelmed. RDAPDan and his team at Federal Prison Consultants, LLC, have years of experience and training as federal prison mentors. We have life coaches and mentors available to consult with you, no one should have to go through this alone. Start building your mentor network today and contact us at Tel: 866-208-8997 or on the web Contact
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Daniel Wise
Group: RDAP DAN - Federal Prison Time Consulting, LLC
Dateline: Spokane, WA United States
Direct Phone: 509-434-4695
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