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Win $500. Name that book from Telephone Doctor
Nancy Friedman -- Telephone Doctor Nancy Friedman -- Telephone Doctor
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

WIN $500!


St Louis, MO August 2010) Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor, has a new book on customer service that needs a title.

"There's a lot out there on customer service," says Friedman, "and I know titles are key. We have some great titles for our others books and our programs," she says, "and I'm stuck searching for the new title. Some of her other titles are: 50 Little Tips that Make A Big Difference; How To Get Your Customers Swearing BY You, Not AT You; The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

So she's asking for help. The book is a compilation of her popular articles on sales, customer service, attitude, listening skills, questioning skills and more. Having written over 1,000 articles, Friedman wants to pare them down and bring each article into one or two paragraphs giving the reader something easy to take away to help their business.

Example: A two-page article on the 5 Frustrating Voice Mail Phrases has been shortened and simply lists the frustrating phrases vs. giving all the reasons for why the phrases frustrate clients. And Six Ways to Sabotage Your Business is now 6 easy points rather than a full-page article. Friedman feels her readers are savvy enough that they'll get the points quickly enough.

"However," says Friedman, "I need a fun title. Something that is eye catching and says READ ME. I'm important. I will help your business."

Entries should be sent to PRESS@telephonedoctor.com and be included in the body of the email only. No attachments please. Enter as many times as you want. Contest closes November 1, 2010.

Winner will receive $500 and, of course, a complimentary, autographed copy of the new book due out in early 2011.
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Nancy Friedman is president of Telephone Doctor®, an international customer service training company headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, specializing in customer service and telephone skills. She is a KEYNOTE speaker at association conferences and corporate gatherings and is the author of four best selling books. Call 314.291.1012 for more information or visit the website at www.telephonedoctor.com.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Nancy Friedman
Title: Founder / Chairman
Group: Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training
Dateline: St. Louis, MO United States
Direct Phone: 314-291-1012
Cell Phone: 314-276-1012
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