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Working From Home Doesn’t Have To Be Lonely Virtual Coworking Can Boost Connection and Productivity
Megan Taylor Morrison -- Co-working from Home Megan Taylor Morrison -- Co-working from Home
Atlanta, GA
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Megan Taylor Morrison

Working From Home Doesn't Have To Be Lonely

Virtual Coworking Can Boost Connection and Productivity

Megan Taylor Morrison FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (March 17, 2020)




During the COVID pandemic, social isolation is critical for our physical health. Physical health is not the only consideration, however.

"Losing touch with others can have a significant impact on our mental and emotional wellbeing," said Megan Taylor Morrison, the founder of The Thriving Creator Virtual Coworking Community. "As social isolation continues, it's important we find safe ways to connect with others"Virtual coworking provides one way.

"Virtual coworking, in its simplest form, is a video conference where you get work done,"

Morrison said. "Each of the calls is run by a facilitator who helps you stay on task"

At the beginning of each session, the facilitator asks participants what they will accomplish, as well as poses an additional question: What's your biggest distraction, and can you ignore it for the next two hours? What attitude do you want to bring to your work today? At the end of the ach person's progress.

"People often tell me these coworking hours are the most productive time during their week,"Morrison says. "It creates grea

As participants get to know one another better -- both through coworking and through the virtual coffee chats -- they grow their sense of community and start to root each other on.

If you're craving more connection or feeling your productivity lag, join a virtual coworking community or start your own. To start your own, consider the following tips:

1) Use Zoom Video Conferencing: After trying several platforms, Morrison decided on this one. It's affordable and you can run meetings for up to 24 hours.

2) Collaborate with at least 5 people: This way, if a few people can't make the session,

you'll still have a quorum.

3) Maintain your agenda: It's all too easy for virtual coworking to become a virtual hangout. Make sure everyone who comes knows this is a time to work, not to socialize.

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