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Writing Young Adult Novel At IWOSC Westside Satellite on Zoom 2/13
Robin Quinn -- Public Relations Writer Robin Quinn -- Public Relations Writer
Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, February 7, 2021

Author Craig Leener

Craig Leener, author of the Zeke Archer Basketball Trilogy,

To be interview by Host Robin Quinn

Los Angeles, CA. | February 7, 2021. Want inspiration, ideas and information to jumpstart the YA manuscript you've been working on? Join the IWOSC Westside Satellite on Saturday, February 13 for a discussion of the Young Adult genre. The meeting is free to members and $10 for nonmembers. The time is from 12:30 to 2:30 Pacific.

Satellite Host Robin Quinn will interview guest author Craig Leener about writing his first novels after being a journalist. They'll also discuss why he chose Young Adult, what makes good YA characters, creating obstacles for your protagonist, and incorporating lessons without sounding preachy. Leener will share his journey of developing the manuscript, editing the work, deciding to self-publish, developing the first book into a series, doing an audiobook and more.

To RSVP, go to: https://iwosc.org/los-angeles-westside-writers-group/  

Free IWOSC member, $10 nonmember

There will be a writing exercise near the end of the program, so be prepared. Westside Satellite meetings are not recorded.

Host Robin Quinn says, "I chose the topic of Young Adult Fiction because it is a hot genre." YA sales went up 18.6% in September 2020 over the previous year, per NPD Bookscan.

Craig Leener's trilogy includes the YA novels This Was Never About Basketball, All Roads Lead to Lawrence, and This Was Always About Basketball. He says shooting hoops is a great cure for writer's block. craigleener.com/

Robin Quinn is a Los Angeles based book coach and editor. Her work includes uplifting fiction, memoir and self-help. www.writingandediting.biz

IWOSC stands for the Independent Writers of Southern California. The organization offers many educational programs each month. To learn more, go to www.iwosc.org. The Satellite is a branch of the main organization, and it used to be for writers on LA's westside but opened to all areas via Zoom after COVID landed. Learn more about the Satellite and the kinds of programs it produces at: https://iwosc.org/los-angeles-westside-writers-group/    




Robin Quinn is a copywriter, book editor and book coach who makes her nest in Los Angeles. For further info, explore her website at www.writingandediting.biz. 

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Name: Robin Quinn
Group: Quinn's Word for Word
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-813-3716
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